Resolution 053536 HESOLTION NO. 5353 BE15IND1NG RESOLUTION NE. 5326 AND CONSENTIN TO THE DETACHMENT OF CERTAIN. TERRITORY FROM THE CITY. OF ALAMEDA AND CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION THEREOF TO F THE CI7M O CA.K.Lk.ND eh_ WHEREAS, Ensoinction En. 5325, passed by thMs Codnnli on May 2 1956, purporting to consent to th5 detachment set out herein, eontalned certain minor omissions in the natter of descriptlorn and WTENBEAS the terdeltory Ennethafteh specIficarly described has been. granted _ to the Clty of Oaltiand: and =MIS, said territory. is presently situated wlthin the boundaries of the City of Alanihda: and WHEEEAS the development of said territor7 by. the City of Oakland an.d its Board of Fort Commissioners in the expansion and inTrovement of Metropolitan Oakland International Airnept has been planned, andeto that end the annexatlon. of said 11411 448 to the City of Oakland in desirable: and. WIMEEEAS, the vmhitten. consent of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the free- holders within the territory. holding at least two-thirds (2/3) in value of the real. property in the territory has been. received; NOW TEENEFORE, BE 1g RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OE ALAMEDA that Re5olution No. 5325, passed by. this Council on May 2, 1.056, be, and. the Sarne is hereby rescinded, BE IT FURTMEE RE3OLVEIM that said Council herein consents to the detach- ment of the herein described property frem the territory of' the City of Alameda, as required by. Sent:Ion 5,304 of the Government Code of the State of California, Said. territory 1. 44) referred to is situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Callfornia, and is that certain parcel of land speci- fically described as 44 .4 COMMENCING at a d,ranite monument which marks the common section corner of Sections 19 and 30 of Township 2 South, Range 3 West and.. Sections 24 and 25 of Township 2 South, Range 4: West, Mount Ulabao 1754 7e and Meridian, said munument has the coordinates of y 454,7238 05 feet and x 1,495,709.58 feet based on tbn California Coordinate System, 'Zone ITT, as are all ncondinntes in. this desecrintion: THENCE a grid bearinF and dlmtanoe of South 6* 45' 30" Eunt 5,777.2.7 feet (being a trme bearing and distance of South 7* 497 51" East 5,777.68 .t5-)elh) to 1 point havdng the coordinates of y - dnM2,98.S.Cd8 feet and x 1„496,39Cd01 feet, said omint alno belnm, the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE on. true bearings and distances Sonth 4* 55' 00" West along a line to its intersootion with tbe south line of Section Zdi ih Township 2 South, Range 4 West of Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, said :Urn belng also Mien existing boundary line of the City of Alameda: THENCE east along the last said south line and the said boundary line and. continuing east ainng the south linn of Sention 31 of Township 2 South, Rane.e 3 Weot of Mnunt Diablo Base and Meridtan to the east line of the Last said section; THENCE north. alon,t7, the said east line of Section 31 and the said. boundary line to id;s intersectihn with. the 4) 43 marks thh southhrly boundary of tide land. lots, being the Meander Idne of Alameda. Basin 'between Stations and thhroof as 5how1 on. that "Sale Map 7o. 2 of Salt Marsh and Tide Landu situate bn the County of Alameda, State of California", and dhlineated ltn tho feld. notes thereof, all on file in. the Office of the Department of' FinaImm., State Lands Commission, State of California,: THENCE leaving tha exAsting boundary line of the City. of Alameda northwestetrite along said meander, line to its intersection with the direct extension northeasterly of that aforesaid 11 ene whlch has a course or bearing of South 40* 0Cd 00" Nest: THENCE Plong the la:gt, sPid 71.1.ne F'„ogsth 40* West to the "TRUE POINT OF BESINNINCL IT IS ISSISSHER RESOLVES) that the City Clerk is hereby. directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Counsti of the CS1.ty of Gakland and to thg Secretagy of Stato of the .'fate of California. * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutton wag duly and regularly introd,seed and adopted by the Council. of the City of' Ajameda in regular meeting, agsembled on the Sth day- of June, 1956, by the fgalgwing vgto, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Haag,. Hove, Noresi and President Kis,,sselly, (5). NOES: None. ABCENT: None. WITNESS WHESPEST, T have hereunto set my• hand. and affixed. the official sea1 . of said City this 7tg. day of June, 1956. rk of the itv of Alameaa I hereby cegtif • that the foregoing iz a full, t1 ue. and. correct copy of Resolution No. 5353, "RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 632,5 AND CONSENTING. TO THE DETACHMENT' OF CER.TAIN 14S.T.SITORY FROM TINE CITY OF ALAMEDA ig0 CONaENSING TO T.HE ANNEXATION THEREOF TO THE CITY OF OkKIkT.)", introduced and adopted by the Council on the Sth. day of June, 1256. / tge City of Aiamegia--