Resolution 05367riRPMPINERRNN, FNOM. GFM7Rhi, FUND 1 1 200 ) TO ACCOUNT 8 2ou (DMMIANNADL,N,D1 BE IT DESC1VED 0 0 INC T T, C.7 71TR C 77 OF AIDNsENA that the 3Unl. of :0,754.50 be, and thh gamh is hhrhby thanhfehred frog. the Gencmlsal Fund (Ancount 1.99.200) to Account 1.06.200 (Npesial Election.) to co-ver City M.:, ppoportion. of joint eiection held June 5. 1968. The P.udiltor and the Trasurer are heroby aut;Mori..6.,d. and. directed to make caid, tsrsansiNim on their respeetstve Docks and records . undersigned, hhthby certfy that Sha was dull• U nd regulsray illtroducd and. ag.opted by the Council. of the iiity of in regular meet-ins esemtD_Ei on the j.9th day of Junn, 1955, imm the NoljomiNg vote, to wit: ICIES Councilman Haag, Moresi and. Pr...5,sident Krane.liN (MM. NOES7. None. ABSETN: Nbne. IN- WITNESS WNEN,MEGIN, I Nave Merunto set my hand. and affixed the officiECI. seal. tf said City this 20th. dgy of June, 19EN. JS. CiPrk of tbi. City A la d'a hereby' certl.fy that the for,egcl.ng la a. full, true and. comrdct of Resolution No . 5367, 'N.21.6.N.,MNISEMEN. $ FROM FUND (ACCOUNT 199.200 ) TO ACCOUNT 108.200 irM3,,,TECNIMDD inthoduced. and adopted by. 1,M,N6 Comnszii on hhe 19th. day of Jur., 1.956.