Resolution 05379M22.20IDMIGN 5329 TBANTMMRMING FRPM M9M SMMATAI, MMS TAX SfIlAMT TYMMMTMGMEMMT ?AND 7TE SUMS UM 4.78,261,15 AND $ 54,36, 272,227MCGIVEIMT, TO TME MaTERAL FfTIM Mmil 7717 AMAIMP2M AAkbe,A' 72.212, (p.ibmmAp127JeAN.m) RESOLVD TM? COUNCIL OF ihM2 ATTY. 0,2 ALAMEDA. that Mie sum of 4i.:787sa -4:5 be, anM the oaMA is hersbyi, tranbfereced from. the Special. Gas Tax SGreet ImprovemArt Whnd (Account 222) to the General Fund (Account 12.2), as reidebursament of exopendltu-Ices made on Major City- Street Projects) TiSOLVED, m2272E:Eh th&M the sum of 45M„,3.6 be, Cno same is herdby, trmenAferrod Arom the Sbeciel Mas Med Stymet imprhvement Mbind. (Account 222) to the SAfmtm- Fund (Acmount 223), Am roimbursomAnt of ex(bAnditurbs mmde on Major City Street PrAjects,, mhe Asdltor anA Mmeesurmm a:A hereby authorieed And directed to mAke Amid. tranmfMrs on th.eir respective bookm and. records„, I, (Ale unMerbigbod, hAmbby cortdfy thA fore:going Decholutidd was Ahly and Im...mblarly introduced and. adopted by thA CeurAMG. of the City cd Alemeda In. Adjournod. regular meeting abbsemblAd on the 2Mth day. of Junem ighe, by the following vote, to wit: eM2223: Councilmen AMAg, Hove, 1,Adreei and Vice 2resibent McCAJA, (4). NbjE3: Rohe. AMDMAG1: Preeibent KrArmmlly ( lh I have hereunto set my Amhd and affixed. Mhe seaa. of said City thds 27th. da.. of June, ..952. I hheeby mertify thAt the forbAbing is a full, trde ef,A correct copy c4' hm2oluticb CA,79, FRom THE SP.MAMML GAS TAM, SAIAMET IMPRAMMOADMT 2M.2,12 THE ....72,261-415 AND IGA4.22, MM2PECTIMEIZ, TUE GEMED2,1e FUND AND dflE T2AlhAIC MADElb, (bEIM,MACCAMlEMM(MG)", introduced anb. adomteA by the Council on. thA 22th of JMieA,