Resolution 05391In, 69 00 CP R7bDINSITON NO, ne)9i AKE9D7799) IIRTLET or 7,7c.1.10-',1 NO, 337)),, RE4149159 NO POSETONS WIT) SkIaRuFS, 9v IECRIN7f3F VOSENON 97 TV-9977 790Y I IS 2, LED 97))77ASElo 7757TICES OF DES:SYS E9CE 23 NO 12, TN 7,1)7 STP777 AED 779E97915- Essgsgsgss________ BF IT FIESCIVED BY TEE CCE)VOIL OF THE CIES OF AISOTTA that a pontTob of hi:I:section 9 of Eeranudaph B, Section. S, or Desolution 5375 be anetencd. to neec aa follows: SIIISISEL3ND No. of 'Range Sloes 25.1I)Se_ 2E..11-7..)1999-) obO Rointer 2 Laborer 12 10 RESOLVED, FURTHEF, thht the pondadeions tf thlE rosolutlon :F9,1Pe2- f,-,.!E“de those oortiono of lieclut-)on. No. 537S. and of any ot9or resolution. En. conflict herswith, and all enoh cohrEntIng provisTorn are, to thn ontent of subb. conflict I, tne undenoigned, heroby certify that the foregoing hesolution was dtly and, reguEnrdy Introdneod and ndoctod by. tbo CcurcIA of tho Oittof of Elameda In aRjounnse refthiEr soeting assoTteieh on tEo 2o13.n. day of eune, Edb6, by the LEES: 6:Dunn:Inn-nen Naas, Hove, Mcbabill, Monsai and 5necident Eronollys (5)- IN WIOSESS WEEDECT I have hosounte set myt ENE9 and affixed the offiniel saal of said Olty thAs a!nyl day of 19156. I hereby certify that the foregoing 16 a fnii, true and. correct cony of ReeolEtloh So. 5391, SaYENDIND- PODT1ON OF RESOLUTION NO. 539S, FRISTNKS 90 fOSIITOES OND SalsehlES, EELET).),),S9)9 SOSITIOI') itaISIES PINO)n TO 2, AND DEN5ELS a INS POSITIONS. OF LaBOSER PRON.) 16 It' 12, 79 TBE STREET AnD ENOTNESEINO DEIVEEL)).ERT," introducEd aul adopted by. tho OonnoiE on the day., ol' luno, EFEE.