Resolution 05397PEEDIC'SOS NC. 5...Cr Os DOD COfECTII CE Of AfAhlE)P. dDASfaEIND CDD ETD _ DErinSA.D, thA Board. ofi Sumerviaere cif the County of Alordiiii did duir canvass Eric rotes eclat in sr..) City. of Alanienda, COC;;ty Of .seamndas State of Callfornta, at tEe apecial mUnicipal bond election consolloted with the State of California ConsElAdated fiesclontio.l. and Direct Primary Election. holE Ch. SCh ferrh, and rho Ceurmr plc.:DD. of said County did Eertif. to trEr Counnill the reshEt of the vEtes cast at said election rcen said measure, which. naid certifica- tion is now cin file in tirle office of th City Clerk ET ....id City of AlamcCio, DUO' TDEDEFDDE 7E TT D7OCIDIED by. the Council oe the Cita). of Alrmeeo ar folloGs: I. Eioie caevois ba ire ,h She,"V';;;Oh;; or AlicEnE Cennio ac recoe :stir coralDiaaller ond erc - cf ooDi Anr.DA'En Driury motif- conCirmel onn rpororrd. 2. ot ccEd heilohlnD Ecoonfn fer incirrinD irDeStedrdra ff caDl reit!: dor:, sobrAtied tr aro c.earero of' aaid Clay ene 'Do asiEln of vr(iiao cars in araDI Clif for and acaineI. :hid eleahnio osh as collcre: dill GS ADDeEes DANE ellaPAOL Scrod loiol Erie ;;; CI OfeissaDD EriASI She I 1 tip. ts, 9DOS , ica il. A pure a befo-C iEeDbAndoeFE in the nmeurt, cif DSOC,Ohd for t_c hf Clio; -error, Ashronaice (Ude) araD inceicd .leerinheihtic Pork, ID, oha haeracii' ;;:ch; sourod, SC ihCC, op 's. and °thee corveciert rercieoDe: ra000 dos co:DI en nm-raoo of FC,h, !raihil 77.'2'1,1110h VfalVh3; WChi'55 arcrerfecon-da: Elcr', necocooec and moUrain erDeo ,o7-T or f"Ied erre: iresaii en...Tread creren, rind achforn pi-Moo roreneDeo d,L-trabl, PC;ha orca Dry and rcAble lord? O. tesal redern ef cores coat En aria, CAU. ce oDareea at said eiruaiDal to no „Alec-Doi shr tEo nerlaiir DI Ehimu eieen ld fhar, reclnat fee ahh Um t, cadO rend mcoemse nrs anD Is os set dhrtn esic canvass ha tEE Scree cs PeaccriUere DE lei:deed% Ceunta. tnan Dec-tie' ore E the D..' Es at Ch`. .;;-; Chh .1; vise, b Doi Ancor! on on cal, :sea sone Die ah hi' 0; SaClh; hihh.hhhe CC ;;;,,,:c.;hhh; 07 hareed indchrDchcha fen 're hch;p2h cal EcerhS ia se1.1 mein-ere, ehs saU iris: fee ca_oDiriii.c.. SESSiS Einf nEnfEED Deils Cif2e stir jssr, l9ed, Sy den fcleoelce Ver,C: Fae3, Discs. ;'.;h;CU1.2., :;1;hPhLih; 4nd 2realdeDa Kronelir, (c). NOED: k;.;hhCht ; ;-Ohh ?el yin o Thhhhhh"-1 SEISSEii F. dThEATED -7.7eity olehoda, :olitstala