Resolution 05398;•0.5.;`,..ii'dfcr; fmcC8 ICHCaliffifT.1 abil. AMOUNT IeFCR. rh'i•Eri ppie A:N.1D bilai-fifImqfCS 7“-TE 11..hTerciasWS, Section P2-7 of' the Cbmgter of the Cili.sy of Pa.h.iphda rhobiTses fir..., the Copm.sil tho per diem elabwarbe for traveling expenses of • officers anb embsicbyees of the (City; SCE IT' h.CPSOLVE.0 .31.` TICE Ohfils CM' Ifw" IIIPPMS•ICA as follows: (1) Any. officer or ...rmployhe of the City. who sr...offig under tne autisarth_ty C f J.aw and, except fur routine daties, on authcrizatihn of• Corbgal, lobsc the Caty for the purroe of performing any• official darb. Or rbndaring any service for 0 P un be h.:aaf of. tha City, or for !ihe phrgose of offiriallsy repbesenting said. City or any board, commission or department thereof, shall be allbwed the traveling exherhes incident to said oorvioe, which traveling expen.ses shall incirda f'ire ab.taal cost of' transportatahn, incarailbg Pullman charges, ..brus a per diem all(f.:- ance in an amount not to e..eed per day. for each and every day. mhIla said. officer or ercTioyee is absent on. said. offictaJ. businoss; (2) Demands for fayme3bt of traveling empponses for which prior authoriza- tion cf the Cohnela Ls required shalT.. nbt oirceed the emPitnt aphbopreted or afither- isbd by the Corncalb Fertfhcrmahhe of duties or enrolees for or ch. behalf of the C•ity, to be performed ortsie of the City in cornation with routans (.'fiefies, reed not have been previonsiT authorized by the Council however, hrtbrreiing exponhes incurred. in. ihrbbcchti.or ri.th the performance of such romfahe dsitaso or services shala. be alChsed onhey when shish perfoImIarIce was authhbazed or approved. by. the head. of the department or hffise in which. the offarer or eriployee making., demand therefor Is employed, The term "rouyine duties", as brced lihmwef.h., shall be deemed. td incialde pe.....1.'urrarro of drttes or services ednriectc.mJ. with city business, tbse hecessi.ty for the perforrnnce of which. arlbss from timd to tanb, aithorgh ible same mcay nbt be of a. phriodisah.ly or rhgularly rnnurrent natbbe, and shgl..1 incidde attendance at classes fsb the purpose of 11-istruhfon or traibarip in. city iirsek,. or attendance at occasionai rhetings of other city. officihis of arrbihypes Or pfbilo administration officers held for tine purpose of disobsclor and. so]..ving prcblbmh of public admarriffration. with. whish ',Mrs Ci.ty is concerned,: (4) IishYhmris for tr.apelibp exphnhes shall. be far expenciithrs aottally fncurrod, and. shall be srbborteh by a statement of the officer or empJoyee present- ing sano anchfing the• natrbe and. amoupt of the items of ebsphditare formrinE the bagis irnebehof, amid. subh vohcbhrs or prof of expbnditures as shall be recimirea Py. the Council or the Auditor. MSCINED, WITEThwit, that this raoolution al be in effect for .nle period of one year from the date of its adoption. tine underssigheed, fiereliy certify that; the fcrebbing ...escartion was dsul:.,•••• regularly introdbred and acoptad time ihranchil tice City of ifisariebria e t":111F; assielcbled oh. tire 3rd. dsay. of Tully, votse, th wit C I.:1••Llera 171a D. Y1 0 re 31.. K7,2 1 y : Tia ,shilCIMErff, ... Stave hersanto set he. rid a •.rid. affixes, the 0..firicia.1 seal of sael.. Clty t ?.11 th day of ststly, I hereby certify tI".,.3,t the forbguln.g is a full., trbe ,and co.prebb 3 Opy Of Re S OLIti On NO , ;:',98:, ".2RCNIDI gG I,".12',i. THE i::,.1....ii0b.NT ..I.Ph. DIEA. FOH OF*IfbwR3 AND .".,.-1;.MiblfaYEES OF Tl."E eff.,""{ oF 1,..I.,.i..aJIEDA ?OR TRAVEL:15"G EX2b1SES," introdbi.ccd and. d by bho Cou.1,0i2. on the,, 3rd day of juaya 196I'i,