Resolution 054295489 airiltritil 9'878 i41111.4,9, fca FILfffn ,r3.5-nP th.e. ErgIn.cer has prcpc.red Specific.,..tions, Special. Trovi.s.Ins Hicns or ficificr.7 porti,cn tine 0.e.t1..reell Arbor rind Pabsrd nnistsered 8-56-19 and file6 in the office of" 'cfnrs City Cierck on. suics,st 7, 1956; TH',ThErCraii:,,, EL IT 8:U301496r THE N:CCNI.4"it 08 III'S CITY 5.F aiaM448a. that. the rifticesala Jpec8ficationa, Spaciel Pro7isinns r.n.d. na.l.m.br.rnd and. filed ac EEESDLVE.f, that the Col.n.cil nS" C.S.s City. of Alemeda rece]ve 9esIEd biCs uy to the hour of' 7.8d5 o,clock P. .ch on P.n.r...uct i9856, for the furn:ishilag So the City hr all Zsbor, Isateristln, machinery, tools annl equipment necessary. for worE, bereicc.noove referree, to, in accorcsrce wftIc scia Specifica- tions and. Provis:inn.s. '2,16.n. must "(...(2 presented to the City Cleff.,1, in the City AfameCa, Ualfforria„ under sealen. cover and olafnly mccrked on the o-ctccACe, 'Frc.csal. for Porticr. of 17.nrth 3-1Ce Letxeori Arbor Street anf .Jtre.c...tf', or similar de.signation. Gcnnrsc,,, OU rwcro.,:d s,.1h;:sc's Cn the 'orov]sions oi' nse `.'..rcrter of Cos oi 1.1,nn,eC'a, to trs rcrr,-,cThs vic.0 bssss bIC, ,Zhe in rsservs:d co rejecn ..?-cy or a,; h,Cs. r,sid 5pncIfication.s scf Fro-J'sninrs cray CY 'nad by acy nrcspectIve bidder on rcrcitccsnr to tIcss Cit7 frgfieer, ct. 'crs, cfficc fie ,Iicrscda, The City Clark is hereby directed to ,..vcrciss, in the Aismada Tines -L3tnnr a notice calling for seaieo accoroance witl) ot trAs reso.tu- tion cnd of and FracIscnn5. I, the unccraigns.a, hereoy certify shan. the foregoins, aesnuncion was cnd recTuiarly intr,cocced ,nr( puccteci. by the Council of the City of alfcceqa in. regular meesin. asser led or nnc 7th nf August, by folincsfn.g vote, rco 4nareliy, Counciir:en '1Ioresi sr.6 Presi,.Thrt 88E8, 7ro.. VvILTN VeTEPT:..)C!, rss ry send nrd. tIcc cffic.1 of oadr6 City 8th day. of Aug:tot., 1956. Cit. (fLerk. H hereby certify. tirct -the frre,scl.rg c fuii, true aro correot copy of 544solac.5:64 N6. 5429, Alt,..4552.11N8 3FIC-451CATIO4S, SPE8I44 FR49148IONS 44D POITION PLISDIT SEWEH „CREOli STDEET H1.3.13A1-'.1) c,ALLaT.J.c: EIDS DIRECJTING Olfrf CLEISK. TG SITE", introduced. sn.d. adopted. by the Corrcil on tlra day of Angs).st, 1;456. • (tT.T.T-17,7;,74,7,. of Alamda (