Resolution 05430ThSOL,lfICP.. 543C.' . CCT,.C.P.Pf If 1..LATLITif CCO.',lf7TZ PTOd!I. -.,I,TEREA6, there has been ,,sh.tmitted. to tibis Council the Prorom Rhoormended by tho A.13uhdE County kdvi6ury. umnrilittee 17o Tmorovemen and .heveopment of Ifne f,tate Highway .",'.3ycte.R. fi...ameda County -- Year.' 1957-1958, and T,TEEaA3, this Council. IT:3 f,'fmillar the recomiendation2. n.ade by- said. AdvisT,di (Jumfittee and it 1.o in be.st Inturesl...o of thd,.. City that -,,Tuch :recom- 1.',..cnd..aldiollB HOW, THERLFORE, lOP a.!.T,O,,,CaffflaD nY THE COUNCIL OF TEE fIT ALAYEDA that sni.d Council, on behalf of the City of supports th.c reon.nened. program by' thhh. ifiam(.:.:ofT', County. hfghway Aavisory CdTmittee for imr=ovemcnt and developDert of thh Syhtern liam.ddh Ceh.hdy Fiscrol Year 1957-1958, sid rr,r,,,- .pienctdic.,ns to be to th.e Co,nmjhnion- dh too,Ji:vi.j..1) that a copy of. thid rescHut.o,Tdo bh forwarded to I, tho u.ndersigned, hehrel* certify' thaO the foregoing Heaolution was dh.Py and regulhrly Mtroduced. and 16()]..),E.d. by the adpudncil of the City of klmreda. iY regular mec,tAhng on the rth day of Augut, 1956, by the following vote, to wit:- fratw. .;duholiodn Dove, flodoll, P,nd Khonelly, IN VJITN.i-iddS ahELOMTF, h.avdd erRonto sot Ig hand arh'j oh:;a gf CP.:Ay Ohio Eth day of Augut, Cftii I hereby certify that tho foregoing io a. full, true correct copy. of "He:...:iolution No. 51,.."30, THh P.P.C,CNMYTEIT.) TPE COUNTY. COTOEITTZE FUR 17APROVEM]fl.17' DEV3I.CTYLT OF THE SMATE 11.11,1Tv;.11.,Y aY.O.7:TE IN CZUNTY. 1,1f,CAL TP.)57-'1958° lntroduced and. by the Council on. the 7th day of iTuguot, 1956.