Resolution 05438RESOLUTION NO. 5438 APTELIVIND AND ADMIIINC: A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1956-1957; APPEOPRIATInG CERTAIN KONMYS FOR TH1 EXPENDITURES PEON:DEL IN SAID BUDGET FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR AND RATIFYING CERTAIN' EXPEN- DITURES HERETOFORE MADE. gy UHDREMS, there has then. submitted. tem and filad with thin Counhil, at this meeting, a budmet representing a. finahcial plan for conducting the affairm of the City of Alamgdm. for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1956, and ending June 904 1887, which budget is marked, "Filed with the City. Clwrk in open meeting of the City Coun- cil, September 4, 1956"; pam, THEEFORB, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE COUNCIL: OF THE orrr OF AL4YEDA that said budget as submitted to this Council at this L(1. 11 and. each. and emery. part thereof, be, and the same is hereby, approved and adbuted as the budget for the City of Alamwds tor the fiscal. year 1950-1957, and that the expenditures of the varions summ of money therein provided to be spent for salarims and wages, mmintenmnso and operation. and capital outlay by. each department as therein listed in detail are hereby (33331 7' and. authorized in total, by' the above object classification, aw the appropriations for the fiscal year ending Junm 90, 1957. B E rr FURTHER RESCIATED that there be, and are hereby, appropriated for the fiscal year 1956-1957, the specified sums for the. purpose of mweting the cost (3 salaries and wages paid officers and. employees, thm cost of maintenance, operation, and for equipment and other capital outlay of the respective departments, divisions, offices and 'Hearne of the City, and. for all stber purposes designated in said budggt for the reepective (1 ,11 of the said departments, divigions, offices and hoards of the City, and for ouch special funds and other purposes desagnated in said. budget; are BE IT FUETEEB RESUMED that all of the appropriations herein provided for are made out of the General Fund for the fiscal year 1(95C-19571 except those made to or fbr pugposes for which special. funds are established, and as to such Last mentioned purl:woes said appropriations are made out of the spwcial. funds respec- tively establisheb therefor. B E IT FIIIENALE BEGIVET. that such expenditures as may. have been made by the several depwrtments, Colvioions, offices and. boards of the Crty after the begin- ning of the fiscal year 1956-1957 and prior to the adoptien of this resolution and. have been or may be duly approved by thw City Auditor, are hereby 11' 31 conw firmed and approved, and. shell be respectively charged against the appropriations herein and in said. bubget provided for. I, the undersigneb, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by thb Council of the City of Alameda( in regular meeting assenblgi on thw 4th day of September, 1B564 by the followdng mote, to wit: 1.11m Councilmen. Haag, Hove, McCall, Morssi and. Presidwnt Firanelly, (5). NOES: Norm. ABSENT; Nona. WiTNThis WHERECE ;Imps hbreunto set my hmnd and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 5th day of Septembmr, 1956. SEMRIHT H4 TEENIER ;SFAIJ City Clerk of thm City cm geegegeg*g g g * 1 hbreby certify' that thm foregoing is a full, true and correct gopy of esolution Nb. 543d, APPROVING AbG ADOPTING-A BUDGET IRTE ThE FISCAL:YEAR 1.956- 1957; APPROPRIATING CERTAIN liOnX1 FOE THE EXPENDITURES PEONIDE1 IN SAIL BUDGET Fon BALD FISCAL 'TEAR AND RATIFYING CERTAIN EXPENDITURES HERETOFORE FIXED", intro- duced and adopted by the Council on the leth day of SaTteberd 1956. pjtG City Cidobbi ibb / into. of Alembda