Resolution 05445TH. cdah, AD0PaING BBECIgICOTIONH. SPECIel, PROVISICHS kNit, Phod3 PCU. FifiaBUSHINC eteID GOI:dt CLUBHOUSE FOR Tiff.; TOUILUIIiaol, UGLY SCIOCSif, CatIdati PIIDS a'AD DIICHOTIHG cia'y TO hSVEUHILE Sadata kaZHEAS, the City- Enginoer hao pneoorod Speciriont.Hcana. Urscial Pop a nal pia apro uccatadnlya.., ;Heat e okra"; Ida" roc c lucre) f or the kohl a' teal Jo I I. C.,Ccurs r.. re,..71f,.•,-e.-e7,eeI Pa t 9-5C-23 and f ;Tart the ;id:flea 02 1,11-O./ C rla 'an ;Oak te aka ea Id at= tartChlata (dash bk; IT l;1;;;ISOLI;27,1) Oft "all;;; C OH' AI.SadE;DA tha t the ofcarnoold SpeciricatIona Foonal.ol. Provlofone nnd Plops, ond Cated an af 0 re so Id The and the.; same a re hereby approved oda-opted, kFCSOL`,T;I:T), Utrfalditaht, tha the co ;oar o rraa rice orrj. completion of thk work s pe al i-,d in aaid Spa citai co CI ors nnd Provic oro be end. the colon an hereby aufroar o d Cit.SCH. TED FUHICHLOR 'Cho t ahe C onearkI the City of' Alameda a.ACI1 ce see d o taave bun= of '7 :36 clock H . oh on ;Cue s day Oct ober 1Hk 1'955, f or hadrild, hkeki; He a he City of a 11 lobo:a, ala ahtkle yea cialkaa ray, thole anal. ad:pyloric' cit Pe peace o lay the': octok he re in a Dove r e taco in a co cede noe ch could ;,;;tca old Ice- one and decach.,,Itado.t, tilde ee!. be crotherated teak City each n 'Cho hy a-badlands, data° onto baker ,coao led cove r aine plc In 3.;;; me raked col the out Ido d hoopoe a1. d Booth° std.:Ian"; anal Eno a tiara Hoo 1 aaltulalictu for 'Hata Isucalocadk °half bcd-uT-r'IH r'a, car la-H11 a cararra. cts a:oar:tea , 11 be Via t 0 Ifle. OrI2 the e of the CIty of au ashoeta Co ate re oar:etc.:Ilk 'tato c a" who el._ eeeI Tee Oele ano pooh cid itto P, orn oo echoed ca re co; coal, (to at' olds. Sake Soo cif ti. one ean.d haap itioalboa a. rad y ba had bt.. any paccrearc thou bidd.00 an. ro to . irk 01 y to 'Aak. Is he rob d o a s the ..a;laarleata I-the s -Sae. a; "a hot' fro Boy a or E" ev Too Irria ba; o pc ardor Pe rattle. She prceolos of": aaaai a pa so_ ! toc,c,c „ :Tara . ceol of soi Ci Ca this iejlee. Way Of Sectoifror, 1;k36. ,;;-; a, T. la t'la,„;ca cbsyticaa kbahaTI ata Pahaphdary."0 'UP, HifaCCIRE„ eadhataat CoiS ""Taa„."'O';', oCci arciatajoseStata ;arta ?..dr:rattat; OLT CITHatiaattHad CUB PITH: OICUICUT PHI; C'thia;"S'Oh ttadart pr. tacaaR diaata endearraT0 7.a.' ahalalHa, I..0 atritaTofd 'Ita.; cad otaaco ,rota ancap fed eh, t ocoachi, da -1.Bac 1.Star ar of Cop reek; e "fc