Resolution 0543907f): ) .); RESOLUTION NO. 5439 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Of ALAMEDA PHOTESTifiG THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE. UNITED GTATES CORPS OF NMI- NEERS, SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT OFFICE, REGARDING THE NEED FOR AND GONDTRUCTIGN OF A NEW FU1TVAIE AVENUE WHEREAS, a, report is being sulmitted. by the United Staten Corps of Engi- neers, San Francisco District OTfice, to the United States Government regarding the need for and. construction of a new Fruitvale Avenue Bridge; and WERaEAS, said report states the follaging conclusions: "The District 4Mgi3eer finds also that under present status of ownership and operatiun, and in vibw of thb antiquity of the ex ing bridge, thb United States will be rebuired within a few years to construst a replacement structure under the taros of the 1882 nth- navigable canal decree, and at the same time sustain the navigable factors of the existing. bridgb. Such a structure will be predlcated upon. the following.: a. Provihe foundatTons sufficient to accommodate only the existing 18-foot depth of canal. b. Maintain two 65-foot rassags ways at either side of a center-turn span. or not less thsn 130 feet of horizontal clear- ance in. a lift-span type. c. Sustain. modern highway ionadngs. d. Provihe tws lanes of highway width replacing existing facilities:" NOD', THEREFORE., BE IT PESO-1TH) ST THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA: That the Council of the City of Alameda dues hereby protest the above set out report. on the following grounds: By a valid decree of condemnation the United States Ebs required to vat its own. expense construbt and keep in repair sultable bridghs across the same (tidal.. canal) on all roads now- used as public highways....and also suitable rails roa/ . bridges on. the present railroad tracks crossing the line of said canard." (itedics ours) The United States has crevicssly recognized, in part its ftuties and. iightions herein. by thb construction. of a new. arh modern railroxiC bridge almost immediately. ahjacent to the present old and antiquated Prnitsals Avenue Bridge. The report of the United States Carps of Engineers set cut above concedes the need. for a nhw bridge structure at frnitvade Avenue but fails to takw into cons sideration ths term "suitablb" in their rscommbndations. The report recommends provision for only two isnbs of traffic, i.e., the same as the present structure, which. ubs constructed. in 1901, gore than 55 years ago. Ali studies of presbnt abe future treffTb corktitimns indTcate that a four (4) lane Fruitvale Avenue Bridge is a maneatory minimum- Any structure of Tess size would be grossly inadequate and unsuitable. Photographs 3 exlsting structures, duly marked, are attached hereto. This bridge is a connecting link between the: Cities of Alameda. and. •Oakisnd, with respebtlee conulPtions of approximately 80,Ced anh. 450,000. Both cities havb in. their reacts:tire areas large milltory establishments rsquirino an adeentate tract-- fic flow. Tee military and civilian personnel.. directly attached to City- of Alameda installations alono is in ogress of 12,850. This factor alone generates twice daily, (1. 1. traffdc problems for thb City of Starnes:um directly accountable to tnited Statbs Governent installations. if further proof' of the importance of the size of this structure to the UPTted States Government. be needbd, attached hereto is a lstter, dated January, 1948, to t4- City. Englneer of '3 /3 from the Commander of the Alameda Naval Air Station, which indicates conclusively the need for an adsquate and modern struo- turs from thu standpoint of natiompl defense. The report recomonhations as to mlnimum distances for navigation needs fails to take into account the fact thut a canted.. of 25-foot, rather thun. 18-foot depth, has been authoriztie fbr this locatibm- The canal. depth, both authorized and. potential, should indicate. also the need for 200 feet of horizontal clearance, rather thun 150 fbet. Recognizing the immediate and v6tal need of a modern or (4) lane Fruitvale Avenue Bridge, the Cities of Alameda and Oakland have each agreed to join. together to bear the full cost of the operation, maintenance, repair and subsequent replacement of such a modern bridge if' the sera were constructed by the boater States, This was upon the assumption and understamding that it was common and obyieur knowleaga that the minimum size of such a bridge would. be four (4) lanes in width. The Council. of the City. of Alameda therefore vigorously protests the rerert of the Csrre of Engineers and urgently requests it be not arcepted and that a modern. four (4) land Frultvele Avenue Bridge be conatructed by. the Federal Govarnment with adequate provision for present and futsre navigation needs. PE Id FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk. transkdt two certified copies of this Resolution to the Board. of Supervisors of Alameda Countw- for transmission to the United States Corps of Engineers for inclusion in their report sot out above) I, the undersignrd„ hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by. the Council of the City of Alameda in. regulur meeting assembled mn the 4th day of September, 1956, by. the following vote, to wit) AYES: Councilmen Haag, rove, McCall, Moresi and President Krarelly, (5). N1Ed: Eche. ABSENT: None) IN WITNESS') SUISRCHtas, I have hereunto set my hand and affiwrd. the offi- cial se 1. of said. City thin 5th day of September, 1956) SHIRLEY TEENIER City Clerk of the City c GUrT.Meda I hereby certify that the foregoing i3 a full, true and correct copy. of TResolution Kan 5439, RESOLUTION OF THU CITY OF ALAMFT4 PROTESTING TEE (ISPORT AND RadoMWENDRTIONO OF TUE UNITEb STATES CORPS DE ENGINEERS, S),(, FRANCISCO DISTRICT OFFICE, HEGER:Dada THE WERD EON AND CONSTRUCTION OF A REV FRUITVELE AVENUE BRIDGE", introduced and adopted by tea Council on the 6th day of fiectemtrr, 1956. - 65-4)4E-11.ZOLOP mo ( tity lerk-ea toe Cita- of Alameda