Resolution 05458RESOLUTION' NC. 5458 ol,,,sr o!...4 _c:Lry Gouncu.,_21-1 orry:_pF' ALAILEp.p.. In to,;): tetter Lt. the deariseneatt teleC Se;w1 of) ;0E6,872 upon tetee lands afitlika Dee ifun. ti on atrict 2087 drOrk kfTaliftln0 71-ha thr fIfCD CP thAill780 trafak0h8e TO Edh trGEdatUtT th EtI PPP: CV 7.3,94.6,872 Jg g aff,lutyr ce 7G87 PitESCOTT lf fEkTAIL, ifffh.ON h. DOtiN art ViefUlhad H. Claitahlabad„ the Asseaswent Com8ssionero arprintfd by this City Council to view and. eSSOZS lepC.r. the landa in Reeft,freation ngstkict NE. 2087 the sum estgmated to be the cost of the Original feeclamution Plar. (as ainended. ET Amendenant No. I thereto) on file in the office cf the City; Council of L.:add Cityh and to apportion said. tun) according to tht: benefits accruing to earh. parcel eee provided by law, having comfleted sucb abaessment and. havina; itiled an aoseaelnent list with. Una City Clerk of tre City of Alamada as. ra- guinea. ny law, THEEEFGEI EE IT RESET:NET by the City htunril of the City of'; ha followa: I- Wadneaday, the 7th day of November, 1956, at the hour of' 7:30 o'cletk, p. 111. of' said day at tha Counell Chambers of' trr City Council et the City Hatt City- of fit:nada, aleamedf County, 0tate of halifornia, De and ;the 5a0C hre hereby appotnted the, time and place whan and where tie-) a hitt° COUTCil will meet. .for the purpost of tharittg any oblechlues to said assessment . 2. Deffice of such.. hehring shall be given by pnblicatdon once e week for two (2) successive weeks in the ELAMEDE Tbalka-aT7R. a. newspaper of general circula- tion pitelf shad. ir the City of Alameda, Cornty of AlamePt.), State of half Portia: dutch Notice of bearing so to be published shall be eubstantihlly- the follow:fug form, t Veit : NallIGE Ahla Fidf CE FOE, ThE PlEfladEE hli' IfElarfidG ChaktEllTIODE TO Tiff abbfle)ffiffElea) haffEraldiTION Eltbfflf.D:T leff..„2087 'MST'S IS .SESIOESY- deleli'aP1. that an 8e.l.s.;eS57.0.ene, in the aggrautatt a.mount of , 9 4 N. 87 2 C r. the lards in. RaolEalation District No. 2C.I:7)7 haul been completed 1E/ LEE eleSeeferaeret Colarnisalorats appointed to viaw ant, hasese upcn t-dye District land the sum estimated. .to he the cost. of the Chtlitindl. declamation. Plan as eanendied by :amendment Eo. I thereto) or file in the office of the City Clark. al' the City cb Alameda and to apportion. the same are provided bv „Unw. and tinet the assessmett lErt, selfiret; 0 It h a list of the chardas asseafed against each parcel 'was ffibt:U tnr atty. elerk ot) tire Gity of Alameda, County GT hatmedo., altate of faliftfegt, On the 1.0th. dhy of October, 1956, and is now on fife therain and onen to public in- etaection; ante NOTICE IE SdISICHILE GIVDS that the City Carr:Ell. of the City of Alameda has abanyinted, arid. does hereby appoint Watneaday, tre 7th. day. of idovemberp 1956), at the Ilitor of 7:30 c7,01Etk .ph at. of said day- at the Council Caen:bars of the City. Counril. of tile City ,..fd Alameda, City. hell, Alameda, Alameda Coanty, ftate of California, as the time; and plate when. and aEere sadd City- Council.. will m.eet for the purpose of hearing any ob- jectienb to th.e adoessment. P...t any tiara before anib. readying, unit. person. interhated in. land upon wrich, any charge Ides tern. assessed rday file a wrftter objection to the asuessment„ which shall stare the .trceenda of objectica and be verified as provird. by. law. nt such. .ikarif...ng salt: City Council ahall. hear any eviderre offared in :tuba:wet of finitter objections see. reay approve said assess:sent. or may sloe fefly ameend the ateaesakert, or make a re-apportloarnant off the entire assessment. Dated: Oct obar 17, 19856 Silletik Chi; leli,f; If Cat:a 0 it TED ()ENT S. OF 'Pl. lek,h) D lerk 4. The City Clerk Of the.City of Alhmado is hereby authorized and. dErectao to caubs &LICh. notice of hearing sulontentiatly in thE form hbreinabeve set forth to be published as aforesaid. 5. This resolution shell tabm effent immedbmtly. PASSIM.) AND ADOPTED 'PSIS 16th dey of Octsitswt J.D545m by the following vote. AKES Councilrrlen HaEig„ Nnye, McCall, '4:bread ard President itranhlly, (51. NODPE None. KTATMOD ET4SELLY_____ Muytii of y - City. of Alameac, 8tate of California 1, the undersigned, bereby camtify thbt the Noregoing Ebsolution duly and regularly introdueed and. ;Amsted by the Council:I of the City of Almnewne it regular meethtg assenbltd on thb 16th day. of Cbtober, 1956, by the folitming vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen. Siehg, Hove, McCall, oresi and. Presidnt Kmaneliy, (8), istMham Dons. 43aEkT: Nona. IN belltblild waasoF, neve herestto set icy barb and riffiwbil the offi- cial sehl of ofid City this 17th day of October, 1956. . us City Cabrk. of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing SmsolDtion Is a. full, true and correct copy of PheselDbIon Nn. 5458, RECITED'S:0C CS TEE CITY COUNCIL OT TEE CITY CT ALAIKIICA", ittrobbted and. adostmd hy the Council on. the 16th day of Gctober, 1956. A:13Meda