Resolution 05459RELOTUTION NO. 5/4,59 NUT H Et' Nc; EVE CU T (1E A GkENT6N11) S IT E 0 HEST L- SECHSTV ANI dONSTANCN U. SSObankfidE, nib hilE55, IN 1E15 MATTES OF C IMT RE :EWVEIVT S IN NNE I VC S K WN VS ERECT 1.10. '1.757 Ertig. nobert Wooldridvb nub Constance S. Wooldridge, his wife, have pfmnsered for approval cf, this bounnia the Fitful. Mau of that certgin. subdivisgon known cs Tr Ant Ng- 1515:7; and STIERETS, scid Robert L- Wodnridge and Constance S. 1nrAftedlge, his wifo, have requested the City. of dgampda no authorize the conEtructi on of tbe imbrwrimmrnMg in ,said. subdivisior subsequent, to the approval by the City Cougbs 1 of scgd. Libel Map, and nave sign.) ig ed theitn wi di-jug:nese to ent er 1st° an agreemebt with the City of nianods for tnb ccbstrug:tion of scid 1.mprovbnortd.„ and. to poct a tbnd gunrantceing falthful. performance of said work, add in accorenance with tete pibmisiorp of City. df diamedg. Ordinance No. ?CV, N. S„ and "VHEESAS, the City Sound..1 belignnes briar. it bgig be to the advatnyago arb. benefit of the Cgtv of AluvrEnti to Inive scid work. perfontbd; and WHLSLAS, Uhe form of sprdement ,rtveffng the coruferuction of inkuhwverner:s in. said Trent No. 1957 has bees invhhgred and cuhplitted :to fdlis Council; NOW; THERE:dab, eb 11' REPOLVNI BY THE NOUNdil OF THE CITY OF ALTMESV. tbat the fnrm of agreement hebeinhofbre referred. to, and all the tents and ficovisictes thereof, be, atmi the same are bbreby, approved. BE IT filiiTESH RESOLVED ehat the City Ebnager of' ehe City of. Alameda. be, cbd. he is nemnby, authbrized to execute said agneempt or. behalf of the City of' Alsrohn, ebn the Pity Clerk Lc attest the same. I, the unberbigged, hereby cbrtify that ehe foregoing kesoittion wb.s driy and rbmdlargy introdsbed and adopted by the Connbil cf thb City of' Alumeda in regule,b meeting: ansentied on the 16th day of Cbtoner, 1956, by ern 061lowatg • vote, tt wit: AYES: douncilren Haag, Hove, NbCa1J, Moredi end President Krenbilys ( ) IN PliTNESS SEIVEET, nbro terenbto set my. End and. dffikbd the offi- cial seal of saib Ci y this 17td, day nb Cbtober, 1956. ski, .d.ents of t h d I roreby certify. that the fdregifing i3 a. fuil, true and correct coby of HResolution No. 5L59, AnTSbbiZINC: EXEWNTICV 111:1' AGNEEMIET SETH 110BERT )1. WECUIPMUSSE AND CCESTAECE S. SVOLDliffiCkg HIS WITT, IN THE MPTTEV 07 COITTITTPION CT' IMTROVENTNTS IN dUnDIVISISM KNOWN db TRACT NE 1757", introbucebdarb abooted bb enb Council on the. 16th dbp. of Ckthhieng 1956. ( EsidieeCEANNAPPETk„. gen ,c). es. City of illarc ed