Resolution 05468RESOLUTION IGO. '1E68 iDOFTINE SPECIFICNTIONG FOR FURNISHING TO THE CITY OF ALSMEDi FILET aNlaAL CONTRENHHOG'VE PUELIC LESJPELGITY AND PROPERTY "ENRAGE EN1ANGE, CA=M. FOR ENOS SCE DIRECTING CITY CLERK didni0EVEE BY TOR duiNdni, OR THE (TINY Ck ALYMISISTO that the Specifeoatioos and Provisions for furnisOini to the City. of Alameda Fleet Goneral CompreHonsive Phblic biatidhty aon frdperty Corsage Noodles:nod, No. ES 1O-56 -28, filed in. thh office of the City Cihrk on Octdber ledm 1956, be, and the samc ore hereby sub:roved aud udopted. ENSCGATERI, FUN9“11k, that the Courvil of the City of Alameda. will receive scaled bids up to tho of 7:35 o'clock PP MU on We'idesday, Novemher 7, 19E6, for tho furnishing to the dity of said Fleet General". Comprehonsime Public LiabdiGty and Propurty Demons knourance, in acomrdande with said 3pecifications and. Hroviatons„ SEds maEt Ps EreconMed to the City Clerk, in the City. Hall, Alarda, CulTfcria, under secied cover and plainly morked or. the outside, 'Pro-doss:I for Fleet Genorel Comprehonsive FabjEc tiedhifliad and Property Ramage Insurance", or. simfftar designation., Contract, if guarded, will be swam's,' subject. to the provisEons of the Charter of said City, to thE rospocceblo bidAr who submits the looest and best bid. The right is reserved to reject =soy or all binio. Tho OUty Clerk is beroby direoUse to advertioo, the nicmede Times-Star, Radios oallitg for sahled bids, in accordance tdth the broyisiuns of thio resolu- tion and, of saId Specifications (and pfavisiodo. I, the undersigned, hereby certify.. that tbo Foregoing Hesoltion. was duly aud regularly intlivnuitui art] adonted by. the Cauncli of the City of Alanoda ir reEuldr meeting ansenViod. on the 'Ott.. Soy of Octeber, 1956, by the following vote, to sat: Councilmen Haag, Novo, kUnket, Rorosi and. Proeident Kraocilyk (5). NOCa( Nosh. AUffE;EIR None. IN WITNESS gOiREOM, f.. sm:vb hereunto set my hand. and. affixed the official seal of said City this Ji(th ' of' Cmgober, 1956- ShiEth City Clerk of the City a(dTmeda-- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. fsfil, true and corruct copy of' "Resolution No, 5468, ADOPTHFG SPENIPtnellONG F.Ck" FURNISHING TO THE CITY' CE ALANEDd. FLUE? GEIRERI CCEFEHGESCIVE PUBLIC aEl Pkt"),PENON DSTUUTE INSURSECE, CALLING GIDS ANf DIRECTING CITY CtEk5E TO OUVEkTIGN SANE' introduced anh adopted by. the Cuunclj... on the inth day of October, 1956.