Resolution 05511ELYMCTitcl CM. :0 SILAS NI', K.E.F:!P, WITH "H.C.C1.1-,trinn,..U:C SCROW, tne Council of the City of Al...mn.e,fto. records tile, death oti.' one. of its former evtployees, S.ILAS N. KI,NT, resigned.. K.amn) nad. served. .t)cle City fr4tihirtniti..7y. as a Patrolman in the D,,ipartment th.e• pcceiod from. Febru.aI,y 1, 19=4)...., tc FabPlaary 1'952, and. 'cla.C.'; p6rform.od duties ln a most outstandin manner; and. WHE.CEAS, ine was innately veIv ch.eerful. and. cooperative and had. kept in touc.h. with nis fellow officers, the sad. newL, of h.ls scdn.bn and untimely data indeed. a sn.ock to many friends in City eicnpaoy an6. througncut tn.c,communitY. NON', THERE5Ca2„ RE IT TESOLNEU, 1Caat, in rec...ognition of tlie unstini.-AnE servioe renered. tn.?: City an.c.7.. tna coo,C. faltion5nnip engtendorcd. amonE nhom he associnted, the Counnil of the Clty Al.smed.a. does heyeby exprecs Its g*Ictitude fon the forthright ane: harnonlcus influenn() nf thIn flne TRn. LE FMCC1CFER .n1C301,AT.I.), thnt this H,....,scIntion tn.7, oinl'ep.d. in full Incon the minut9s of thAs rr.,ecting and a copy thnreof b=..3 traltsnitted. to th.e cf Kemp in. order to extend to :It a sincere expression of sympatny end condoiGn.ce in its bereavement; and EE IT FT.JIlti..= RESOLVED, thAt wnen thds meeting of Cpuncii of the City. of Al.amedni ad.:loan:1s, it snail.. do so in n,....spact to tne m..emory of Mr. Silas TA. Kemp. * * * * * * * * I, u1 derst7ned, hnreby certlfy thnt tne foregoin lAnsolution was duly 2nd nouliarly Int.ronacc,n ana aclopted by tine Council of: Urn: City of Alamnua in lanau Der meeting on tbe ...d..h. aay of' 1.)ecembnp, 19n6, cy th.e TDte„ to wit, Hove, Mcr331. and. Prosi:lent (5). None. None. 'ctinCnECc.c, 1 h.a-ve hnreanto s6L my hand and, affixed the official se,a3. ,)f.* (;ItT, tqls 19th. dny of De6onner, SDIELEY H. (SEAL) City Clark I certify that th.e foregoing is e full. true and. corront copy of 'Resolution No. 5511, ME2,10...i.IAM TO SILAS N. 'TdEMP". introC,uced and ,,...d.onted by Une Coanci, on idth Clay of Decc.mber, rne 113:-