Resolution 0554101,137TION 0., 5541 1■....7d. :ITN& "iXARRANT thdh BOARD OP THIO7VM: 07 PECLAA.P2fdiflf Dr1TRICT NO. 2087 there has hertoforn been with. thio aouhodl a. noonest for the approvej. of a certain warrant of nho POSTd of TIdustood, of Td.nol8mation. Ye. 20e37; and. WF.JITREAS, this Coldnii, upon due 'Inquiry, finds non. dinterl.ines thnt snid Idol-lw.hni.) should be approved; NOW THFREPORE, IT fi7v." nOhNOlh Cd.=` Thdd. thnt the warrant of the .50nod of Tnuotens of IdecfLaolation. NO). LO,.:..;7 set footh tne under:hied-nod, hereby neotffy te forecoiwg Idooe17.atfch. was noiy onn. Inifnuoced non ndoptuf; bh.e. honnoll of the City of ALameda in. noular meenino ansemhInd. on thn afdtn dny of .,febro'dy, infodf, by teo fcllowlodo vote, to wht: CoUncilmen Hn..fics FCVe, 'noreot aro; PrerlIdeot Honnelly, Nene. ABSEldfd None, IN WITFEW '4Ed;Rhd:Old„, ha,,Je hereunto set my hanh nod affl...ded thP off:Lc:fa' ad. of 01t7 this 20th day of Febrwary, 1937. I. hereb7 certify thnt the fooehcing a. full, nhun adJ. connect copy of "Ynoolotl.fdr. No, h54i, APPWVINdl Wi',...ftld../Oldfr OP BCAThd CT' ddRUdd..!hd,EL7 "dECLAIdATTCP. hdETOEICT NO. 2057", intoduced ah.(3. adopted. by the Counhil on. the 19th day of FebTuary,