Resolution 05544REcrt,77,Tev 5544 P2.FPGI:TC:TITC- OF' CHC: _ R7Z.CCWACCIcc: C01.7,1CICCT. RrW01,777 71TIC CcUNC172 TTCC CIT7 OC f...LAMCC.DP. that purErc.ant tc thh prwvicions of 3 wf Ordinance tin. 1066 New Cores, of the City. of Alameda. (ac aniended hy Ordinanr.o CTo. 1102 F.S.)2 OP7Cr-c2Cc P. cw`C2=.97ALTNT is heTeby appointed tc the office of member of the Recreation. ComvIssion of the City of Alameda, for the term expiring on August 3d, 1C:268, to fl..12. the wnexpirod ter::: of 14illiam resij.ned, arld to serve succw,w3scr 13 appoin,tcw.:A. and. is qualified. T2 the undersl,gred, rerehy cervIlty tn.e Tcre.Foin. -cc, .wicc-ftw9 Coat:ell of the: CItcy of A.1„acleda :2(2,::221,..- A=3; (..ent.:acm 7C tete, 7:JCA.11, Mbre:,i end Pres id en t H.:ram:11v. ( None. A'CCENCC: None. CITCLCTIWC.S.9 WITICRECF., I have hereunto set nay hand arCi a fri xed the of fic.21a1 .:eal of sslw.7: City th.-.,2s 20th. day of February, 1,-).57. I 'h..2reby cortify that thG foregcln4; Is e. trcc end c:orrect copy of "Resolution. No. 55104, APPOINTING '.:FTC:C67,...M RECICATTOT4 COMCUSSION"2 intrr6weed qrA 1,-10,te,1 C„noil. on. the 19th (Day :Tebrrary,