Resolution 05584RESOLUTION 1(0„ 5584 IN rEf4oRT„4., HONORASRE EDWARD la. Sfy,ILVER. WITH MEARTMEIT SORROW, thb Council of the City of Alameda records the death of one of its former City employees, the Honorable EL,V,'ARD al SILVER, a life-long resident. of thb community. SEERESS, Judge Silver had served the City as Judge of the Entine Court during the period Irom ides through. 1929, and was then appointed City Attorney, which. office hb held from February I, 1930, through. September 80 1933, at which time he resigned to resume enivate law prabtice. WHEREAS, judge Silver had. given unstintingly of his time ebb effort in the performance of the duties of his office. and hhd rendered diligent service to the City durbag his tenure of office; and WHEREAS, He had taken an antive part in the fraternal and civic affairs 31 the community, until incapacitated by his long ilibnan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLNIER that, in recognition of the capable manner in which he served the City and his loyalty thereto, the Council. of the City of Alameda does hereby express its appreciation for nis wnrthy contribution 1 thb hest interests of thb City. SE ET FEHTERM RESOLVES, that, this Resolbtion be spread in full. upon thn minutes of this mbeting and. a copy thereof be transmitted to the family. of Judge Silver in order to extend to it a sinners embression of sympathy and condolornb in. its bereavement; and MI IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thEt when this meeting of the Council of thb City of Alameda adjourns, it shall. do so in respbct to the me'try of JUDGE EDWARD J. IEMER. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregring Resolution. was duly and rngularly introduced and adopted by thb Coubnil of the City of Alameda. En rbguiar meeting assembled or, the 2nd day of Spann, 1957, by the followang vote, to wito AYES: Councilmen. Hoag, Hove, Moresi and Vice President. McCall, (W). NOES: Mon e„ SPSHNT: ?resident Kranelly, (1). IN WITNESS THEREOF, a' neve hereunto set my hard and affixna thb official seal of saidity this 3rd day of April, 1957, (SWAIM * * * TE, NNIE' tTe- a:10 E hereby certify that thn foregoing is a. fuli, trub and. correct copy of Resolution. ho. 5584, IN MEMORIAM TO THE 1, 31 EDWARD J. SILVER", introduned ana adopted by- the Council on the 2nd day' of Apri1, 1957. City k j:le City of Alameda