Resolution 05608RESOLUTION NO. 5608 ADEPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PEDVISIONO AND FIANS DER ORAIDIC ADD PAVING AT ERGOT. PARR, CALLING Faa BIDD AHD swebumMjs (TITY flTP7T mr, mumemmed SAME. WHEREAS., the City Engineer has prermred Specifications, Special Provisions. and. Plans for gmading and pavibg at Krusi Park, nbgbered PW 5-59-13 anb filed in thg office of the City Clerk on Eay 7, 1957; NEU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OE THE CITY. OF ALAMEDA that the gferesslti Speolfigations, Special Rgovisions ang. Plans, numMered and. filmd as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby, approved and cdoeted. RESOLVED, FURTHER thmt the performance ard completion. of the work speci- fied. in salmi Specificationg end. Provisions be, and the same im hereby authorised. 'EGGE:ADD, FURTHFE that thm Council of the L of Alameda. wgli receive sealed. bids up to thm hour of 7:35 o'clock p.DD on Tuesday, May 21, 1957, for fur- nishing to the City of all. labor, materials, mechireryu tools and equipmmnt hecem- eery •for thm work hereinmbove referred to, im accordance metth seMd Unecificatlmrm andProvimions, Bids must be presented Mo the City Clerk, in the City. Hall, Alammda, California, under seglad cover anb plainly msmked on the ontsibe, "Proposal. for Grading amb PaEing at Krusi Park, Alameda, Callfommia, No. f'd 5-57-13", or similar designation- ontract, if awmrded, win be awarded subject to tbm provisions of tTe Charter of tkm City. of 11 11 to the responsible bidder who submgts the lowest and best bid. The right im reserved to reject any or all bids. SsEd Ssebcatiums and. Provisionm mmy be had ry any- prospective hbdder on application to the City Ungineerj at his office in the City Hall, Alameda, California. Thm Cfty Clerk iS hereby dltbsted to advertise, in. the Alemede Times- :Aar a. notice calling for sealed bids, in accordance with the plEmMLMans of thim rmsolution and cT said Speccations and Provbsions. the undersigned, hereby certify that thm foregoing Resolution wem duly. Egad regs:Jmmly introduced end adopted by the Council. of thm City of Alagmda in regular meeting assembled. on the 7th day of May, 1957, by the.. foldbming vote, to wit: AYES: Courbilmon Freeman, Pmag, Petersen arb Frosidmnt YMCell, (A). NOLS: Done. ABSENT: Councilman ranelly, b1). ISM VAIGE81 OZ WlEREEF, I have hereunto set my hmnd and. elMixed the offi- cial seal of safd City this 8th day. oM May, 1957. ob TEENIER City Clerk oT 01 1 A f 111 I hereby certify that the fdregbirg is a. full, true and correct copy of "Fgsolution No. 5608, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONEn SPECIAL 1. J. AEI ELAND GRADING AHD PAVING. AT KIDEI PARK, CALLING FEE BIDS ANN DIRECTIFE CITY CLEKEK TO AGVERTISK SAIVIDE irtsmduced and adopted by the Counbil on the 7th day of Tv. 1957. City of Alameda