Resolution 05622mlp RESOLUTION NO. 5622 TRANSFERRING $11,050.59 FRaM GENERAL FUTD ACCOUNT 100 TO GOLF COURSE CONSTRUBTI0V FUND ACCCNNT 702; TRANSFERRING $2,500.00 FROm COLT COURSE OTEMATTNC FUND ACCOUNT 702 TO TORT COURSE COBSTBUTIICh MUNI ACCOUNT 762; TRANSFERRING $B30w0I10.00 FIRM CASH PREIS FUND ACCOUNT 304 TO GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT 100; MAD TRANSFETRING 5;!;30,001.4.9 FROM GENERAL EBVITCDREET POOL ACCOUNT 350. TO GENERAL FUND g_____BACCOUNTE100. gyp__ gy gyp__ BR IT RESOLVED BY TrE UP THE CEDP OF ALAMEDA that the sum. rif $11,050.59 he, and the same is herohy transferred fror Genera]. Fund. Account 1E0 to MaJT Course Construcation Fund Account 702. G S FTWATER RoSOLVDD Mhat thw sum of ;5;,2,500.00 be, and the samb is hereby trsuhferred from Golf Course Operating Fund Awcount 702 to Colt' Course Construction FunT Account 702; S b IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of :M50,000.00 be, and the samw is hereby tranwferred. from Cash Bemis Fund Acchwwt 304 to General. Fund Account 100. aE ET FUMIISER RTGOIVED that thw sum of 5,;50,0B1-4.9 be, and the same is hereby tranmferred fVom General Investment Pool Account 350 to Genwral Fund. Account 100. The AndaWbw and. tho Treasureds are hereby authorized anU directed to make said transfer on their respective books and records. I, the undersggnpd, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly. and regularly introduced and adopted by thw Cohnwil of the City of Alameda rwghlww mewting assembled on. the 4th day of June, 1957, by. the followddeg vote, to wit: AYES: Gounwilmen. PrNemem, Haag, Petersen and President McCall, (41; NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS hHERETIF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixrd the offig cial seal of. said City thie 5th dsge of June, 1957. LE H. TERRTE2; 7717 lerT7T—The ofty 00.77, hereby cert.:Tv thoI Lee fopegeind id a fallz snd correct dopy oP "CoonCutich fr. 5622, TkoTETTSPIND Sl1,050.59 FROM CREEkal, FLEE ACCCbdT 1C0 TO ;ITEM (TRIGG'S MITSTodsTaTt POUT aCCSUFT 702; TGRUBFERWIIG 22,5t0.00 istM SONG CCIRDE OPMNO215,6 PINT ROMM022 702 TO GdbF ;NIEMEN CCTSIFICTIPF ibkh ACCOCNT 702; MEANS - FkklIk0 a50,00t.00 TIMM SATC F1WIL AlOOLNT 0CM dT GISTLEAL FUUS oOCOUNT 100; mkt; TTaNSTTRFil GRO,BC1.4.9 MRCP TEN-BEND 1501BSTMFDT FOOL aCCORTT 350 TO CFNEMEL FITS BODCtIT intanddeel end adopted by the Council on the 4wh dog oT lone, 1357; C t, A f A an e ci a