Resolution 05623THatSFLEBEhtl Ebb NESOLUTECIT NOG 5623 ,570.00 TROY THE ALCOHOLIC BENERACE FUNE TE THE ftENENALp4Inille_________ WhEREAG, certain moneys neve, hewn delivered to and received. by the CMty of akarned.2( from the 6tate of CalEfornia and deposited in the alcoholic Bevereep Control funh pursuant to the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control. Act (Statutes of 1935, page 1123, as amended), and. the provisions of REsolmtion No. 2212, adopted by this Council on. December 7, 1937; and WHEDEan, there has been. expanddd flame the Gdneral Fare of the Cite, solely Ter the purposes specified. in said Act end in said Resolution, the sem of 318.570.00 in connection. with the operation and meintenence of th.e Police NCE4, THEREECEE, BE DESCENT...12 3Y- TFE OCIINGif OF THE CITY OF ALP,MEllet that the snm of G18,570.00 be, end the same is hereby transferreP from the AlcohmdM4 Beverage Control Bunn, Aoceept 2284 te the General Fund, Account 100 (76.12), hha auditor anG the Tgeshurer are hereby anthGrized and directed to makt, said transfer on their respectivw books and records. I, t1e undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Cesolotion ma4 enjoy apd roguipply introduced. end adopted by the Council mf the City of Alameda in. regular (fleeting assembled on thb 4th day of junev 1.9.57, by the f(PLI.m4Lhe vote, to wit: alIM: Councilmen Bgewmeg, Haog, Peterpen end President YoSall, (4). utmet,.. gen.:2 EITHEGS tHEREbti, I hame hereunto set my banG and. affixbd the offi- cial. seal of 08.id (12.ty this 5th. day of june, 1955. City. Clerk of le City o I h4rEby certify that the foreeoing i8 a full, true enP correct ropy of "Hesolutlbn Nbk 5623, IRMNSFEahl/G .N1.8,570.00 FRO,D: THE aireCeIbLIO BEVIliAGE CONTkG(1 PENN MO thhE ,e2N1,(1614 FISNC,° iintroduped and odonted by the Council on the 4th dhy of June, 1957.