Resolution 05649HT:3(11E1E2'10H 2C. j)7)49 ADOPTINO Burc-FT, APPHOVITE AND AFFIRT.ISEINC EXECITTICN OP TTIYISHAPITITH. OF AGREENFFET ben'H THE STATE CT' CATATMOENIA FOR a'.2:;-...p.T,.n.-.)17.1...77F...E, OF GAS TAX ALLOCISATIOTE FOH ',PAIGE CITY STREETS nOT. THE FIYESAI YEATTol9ny-19TE WHEFEAS, She Stete of California has submitted a Memorandum. of Project Agreement in encore:soon) with. a project statement sunmItted by the City of AasmoCa for expenditure of Gas Tex Allocation for Major City Streets the floral year 1957 -1.98. and WITTEETAS, tae City Council is familiar with. tee rortents of said. agreement and It is in the public interest that said. asyreement should be executed; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 2:{ Ten sOnentn Of' THE CITY. On PLAMMDA teat said 'project statement be, and it Is hereby adopted •as ter budest of proposed oxynne diem:es of gas tax cliocation and teat said Memorandum of Agreement be, and the same is hereby apnroved, and that tne Teiyor of the City of Alameda he, and ee 'is bereby authorised and directed. to execute said. Agreemnnt on behalf of the City of Alameda, and :Jae City Clerk is anSeeriza6 to attest see same. * * S ES * n * * e * * I, the undersiened, hereby- certify tnat tne foressoinu hesoletion wan arE resyslarly introCcesod and adnted by tne Council of' the CiSy of nlasseds. in. adjourned remplar mnetine assemnkso on see 2Tth dny oi June, 19j7„ nu tho folleofno vote, to oIS: ATIMES: Councilmen Freeman, Ijars., Petersen, Schacht and "President nnCala, (5). TIDES ; Casco 77 WITNTSS .,•.adaa7,C1:''',.. I have herexeto act my Land. and affixed the offi cis) seal on said. Cited this 26th. day. of June, 1957. r1.77o: he t laaTe da * * * M * V * * * I hereby- certify that ton focemoing is a full,. true and correct copy' of "Resolution No. W9 ADOPIIITO EHDOTT, ePTERCYCIM ed2D AUTHOTIZING EXECFTION OF ISICIORANDSY OH AGRETREINT VTIOI THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA MOM EXEnnisTTOTE oP GAS TAX ALLOCATIOn FOR MAJOR CITY STE:SETS TOR TRH) MISCAL YEAR 195Y-1958e') introduo.ed and adented by the CiSy Council on the 25th day' of June, 19H7.