Resolution 05655RESOLUTION RO. 5655 PROVIDING FOR TDB M0777 PER DIEM FOR OFFICERS P EMPLOYEES OF' ALIBLIEDaL FOE WITTERAS, Section. 22-7 of the GBarter of tane City of requirs tRut tile Council annually fix tile per elEem allowance fcr traveling eysanses of eDfieerd and. employees of the City; NOV TEMEMFODIR BE IT DEBBI= BY Mille CtUMCIB Cm' DIY ,,TTY OR ae follows: (1) Any. officer or employee of thip City who shall, under this nutacrity of law slid, except. for routinp duties, on authorization of the COUJICIene, leav tKa City fOr the purpose of performind any offeicial euty cadJ renderMn,t any. sexthice for or on Behalf of the City, or for thp purpose of offielelly representing said City or arty' board, commelasion or eepartE,ent thereof, shall be allowed. the traveling expenses incident to sale setheice, which traveling ex.wenses shall include the actual cost of transportation, including 'Pullman chp.rates, plus a per aiem allowance in an diavatlt not to exceed 42;(lti, Der day. for ea( h. and every- dey while said offieer or employee is absent on -7,7717—ofieial business; (2f) timands feu' payERnt of traveling exnendes for wRalicati prior aatiaor tion of tbe Council is :required qha'el not ex.(!..eeo the amount appropriated or authorized by. the Council; (3) Performance of bitios dr services for or on belthif of the City, to be performed. outside of the City in connectioR with routine datids, need. not have been Fuevioesly aptheri%ed by the Councia; hswever, traveldng e.seenses itecurred in connertion with the perform:antis of surh routine duties or services shall]. be tllowed only whr. sacM ppri.Mthrittrice war anthorized or approved. by the head of thda depadtment or office in whimin the officef or. ethaoyeethlaking demrnd therefor is employed- Tte term 'routine duties, as ased here sh.all be deemed to int:Ia:is performance cr duties or darvices connected. witM city business, tfte necessity for tbe performance of whAcla ariseo from time to tiard, altbouyea the Sf:l.'rne feny not be of a 'periodically or reaniarly recurReSt natutee, and shall include attpnUance at classes for tbe purpose of instruction or frothing in city work., or attendance et occasional ithetithts of other city officials or emcloyeas cr subilc ddminitration officers bele for thle puTpose of' discuselon and solving protthems of public dedrathistration with. thialmth the City id concerned; (10 Demands for traveling., expenses snail be for expenditures actually incurred, and shadth be supported by a statewRnt of thb officer or employee present- ing SPITIO tba nature and almounh of the litelim of exoendltures as sh.all be req.:tithed by the Council or hJele Audhor. RESOLVED, TEIRTHER., that teAs re,301iltio1 thall. be In. effect tor the Buried of orm year Cron thy, date of its adoptIon„ * * * * * * * * * * * * I, tbe undersignad., hereby certify tRat tbp fora:Ruing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced. and adopted by the Coo:nail of the Citie of iiiameda in regular mthting assembled or, the End daty of Jmly, 1957, by tha Rote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Freeman, Haag Petersen, ithhacbt and Pmedident C9), ABEBN P : 'Done . IN WITHER, MMIDILICDR I have hega.DEnto set my h.and uriii affixed the offim cinl seal of said City. tills 3rd.. day of July, 1957. SFIRRMY City Cilerk of L, Yr7r1T377..iT * * * * * * e b e R I hereby- certify that the foregoing is a folf, true and correct copy. of "Resolution 5655, PRO7EDINE BOR. TRH RMOURE' BD: BIER 07IBICERS AYE, EMPLOYEES CR' CITY CR' ALAR;.,SW. FOR lYialiBltEWhi Tidi.TEWSPR,' introdueed. and. adopted by the City Council on Liss End day of July, 1957.