Resolution 05658RESOLUTION' NO, 5656 DECLARING C.ARTAIN DWELIODN7i, IN' THE CITY' OF AIANIEDa, CALIFORNIA, TO BE A. PUBLIC NUISAME (2413 HARRISON AVENME-RARK) att so a Att. WHEdEAS, the Building Inspector of the City of Alanaada has ,..pided notice in thd rdannor provided by Section 10-527 of the Alamedm MaddicApal Noae, directing tdac owner or opmers of that certain dwelling herein described to appear before the Council. cf tAc City of PANdmeda on Tueadap, May 21, 1957, at CNo hopT of 7:30 p.m., and she'd; cause viv oald Luildtng should not be condemzed as a public nuisance and removed or razed as provided in tdd AlarRda. MunicNarat. Cade; angl WHEREAS, it arpears that sdid notice 188.8t duly and _regularly szidded in thd form. and manner provIARd said Code, and tRo mattor coming on regaladly for 7, 1' befopo thals Council st this time, Pnd witnesses being sworn and tostimony being ddiveN by thd BuAlding Inspector, the Eealth inspetor, and othtr competent porsod, daspectng the condition ofs dwellinrd, and the owner of said building hoing affordR0 an omadrtunity to bd hard, and said. ovner being present in pepson, the Coanoil proccedRd to a consideration of said platter and after dada consideration of the Postimpv of all hitnesses ddd otS.P evidence paAsonted In said. nmtter, IT I'S 'HEREBY FESNLY=, DISI'OSISNOTNED AND DECLAS:PED, the Council of the City of Alameda fldass thdt the &welling and building hdreid described in tRe City of Alameda. It in violation of Soction 10-526 of tide Alameda Municipal Code and is hereby declared to be a sag:Oldie rdusance; add. NdIS 712,31SET. RESZZINTED, that Use aopein described dwelliniz be, and the same is h condemned at a public deasance and the owner or owneds thereof' are hereby RrohNbite from. its foPthdr use or occddation for Nhe purpose of' a dwellind, said. order to become effective thirty 0) days from thd datp hereof. BE IT ITUROPNIZS RENOINTED, thAt the Bilding, Inspoctor is nePolay authdrizdd and directed to pdst in 8. condalcuous place on said. NagelaiNg structure a. notice in the form and in the mAnner required. by Section 10-529 of the .A.imeda Nmicipal Code. SE IT FTSS,V.flE RESOLVED, that if said nuisance be not so adbated as required by the Alameda Municipal Code thtrty (30) da7N aftes thd passagp of thip resolutizd, the City MAndtgedd is hereby authoddzed and directed to aeize and/Pr raze sei. struc- ture in. the manner provided by Sections 10-5210 and 10-S211 of tNe Alamdda Munici- pal Code, Tde dwelling herein Pe:fagged to is commonly known ANA, described as followt: Tbat certain Zhelling and ark shown as Earl AS. rasoNer Adt, ZNA3 Harripon SooRnud, on City of Alaamedt Ezagirdearing DeparatorRnt Drawing 4577, Case 51, Sheet I of 1, dated May 19572 dnd. ntitled, "A'raZ id Harrison AvenhR". I, the undersigned, hereby certify that thR foregoing Resolution oNR Spaly and. regdtiarly :introduced and. eddpted by thd Connidd of thR Cid.p. of Aldneda :Id raga - lad naeeting assembled on the 2nd. day of jdly, 1957, by the fo'llohing vote, to wit:: ANIZ: CouncilmRn. Freeman, Haadd,, Petersen and Presitent NaCalt., (i). 110-S: None. NOS' VCSTIN3.3: Coadcilman Schohta, (.1). ABSEITT: None. INTWOUINTASS YPEFASOF I 1,,,,va 888 mv oard ens aNaide3 zgd -0ficOgl seal of said Cnty this 3rdi day' oh Rdiy, 1957. hodeby certify tnat the folegoinfd is a full thrhda and correct capp of 'Rdselotion No. 5658, INECAS,E10,0 CERTAIN Udr.E.LLI':NG 70.1E CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALINGSSIA, TO BE A PUBLIC .Tay.a..-!,4wcE (a)1,13 SASSISON AVENCS--Adal," introduced ann adoptod. thd Coznall on the 2nd day of July, 195.7.