Resolution 05678RAUSSUTEON UO. 6676 RitUNDPNG PORTION OF SALARY BESOLPTION NO, 5656 EY DELETING THE POSNTICNS OF' DEPUTY ASSESSOR AND ASSISTANT PeRCHRSING AGENT AND BUILDING .-3.i.L:pld,H,T,HEIAyrziT, AND ADUCITG THE POSITION' OF' aEPUTY ASS.MSOR AND ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT. 3E 'IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OP NEL CITY OF ALAMPDA that subsection 8, ...Paragraph. 2, Section 2, of Nosolution No. 5656 be, and the ;9PITIE. is hereby amended. Aby deleting therefrom, the positiongof Assistant Peercbasieg Agent e,ad Building sEeterintendent, in the Purchasing Department, and tbe position. of Debety Assessor ...in thb Auditor and Assessor departn3et. UP IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbat subsectihn 8, Paregrebh. 2, Secticb Resoletion No. 5656 be and the same is hereby amended. by addAng thereto the fol.- lowing positleA .ALDITOR_AND AZSEfSOR Code • „No. • t Ti tl o 164. Deputy Assessor Red Assistant Perchasing Agbet No. or Pab7e 55 823 Step PiS7 6h3 670 5.28: SE IT FPTTHER RESOLVED that thb effbctive date of this remolutiou shall. bb Ap7ast•A, 1957. RESOLVED, FPPCNCHER, that the provisions of thls resolution shalt cueersedb those portions of Nosclutios No. 5656, and of any otber rbselution in conflict here- with, and. AAA subb conflicting erbvisions Are, to the extent of such conflict oni..77b hereby rescinded. and annulled. * * * I, the undersigned, heueby certify that thb fcregoin.F., Resolution was duAy alld regularly introduced. and adopted by the Cohncia. of tbe City of Alamedu in rbselar meeting assembled on thb 6th day of august, 1957, ty thb following vote, Co wit: APRS: ,,oNriciLbsbn Haas, FHtk,r-2en, Pcbccet snd Ppc.bleent (1). NOES: None. AD)7r: Council:ban breomun, (1). IN NITSRPRS UTE:CRON, I bobb herdento bet Ty 11 d efflebe tee ofPcia: s,p.=.1 of' qeld City tele 786 dr*y. cr Abc'N2t, 1067. SERPI= (SAW Cisy Clerk aS the Cits ' Alb:rode * * * * * b * * * * I hereby certify that the Uctbqpiccp is a. full, true and cessAct cupy of "Ebsoletiob Db. 5.678., POATION OP SALAD NO. 5656 BY URLICPPITAG THE POSITIONS CS D.PPUTY ASST.:R.:S.0R AND ASSISTAYT PITUCHASING AGENT ARP BUILDING SUPET- TUTRUDEM AND AbDJNG THE POSITION OF DEPUTY ASSESSOR AND ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGUNT,6 introduced And adopted. by. tS.1.6 City Souse:NA., en tbe 3 th. day. of 6-16..bu.t, 1957.