Resolution 05680177,,ZOLITYION BO. 5660 RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALAYEDA. thP..t the •Interest raquires, and iazreby c',,eciaros its intention to ordor the7vacation, cics- in7 and. abandonment of thRt certain portim of Market Str.e.f:,,t, in th.e ity County of Almoda, State of CalifornAa, deeribed as 174/ ,7171.0,,7s: EEITTG a. strip or parcel of land BO reel in vidtt.-,, fnrther deocrIbed. to st point of lntersectIon of the northmeteyn line pf Market Street, 677 feet in, widtt, Nltla the n.o'rth.e.E.strn. line of San Jose Avenu.e (formerly Jefferson Street), 60 feet in e.s. said. lines Pryi strets an shown on th„e °Map of Town. of Alameda and Adjacent Lands" as surveyed by H. A. IlA9f1y7fy and fled Seter7pe1/ 124 1667 1B Book 5 of at IB, t'cle Al9meda County Fecorder's offic6:, THENCE north.en.strly along thn north:western lire of 7i,48.1'17.ot Street 100 feet; THENCE E!outheastorly and. et r-irJ.ht an.Ele to t,:le iLst said BO feet to the southeastern. line of th6 sald Market Street; THENCE south-westerly alo1 p7 the last 71ne 100 feet to Its intersec- tion with the afcresalC nortaotern. liy.e of San josc Avenufa; THENCE 1/ 1/ alone.: the :Last said. line 60 feet to t`ne .17E(5.17MING, RESOLVED, ETT7.1Y1-15a, that said. Council finds and determities that thy) public convenience and. necessity regalra the -.oeservation to the Olty of Alameda. of a. permEn- ent easeme.nt and. right-of-way over and. aca,,css a captain. parcel of land situate in ti:lat 7,-rtior,t of Market Street prop,osd to be vacated, for the purpo3e of corisimac,,.1;±ng, oper mantainIng, replacirF, renewing and repairin..g thereon. storm. and, sanitary or eitbr.:r of tlaem, and sal& p,,,,,anent easement ancl -,,77.17 for th.,,3 aforesaid por- puses roserved. to the City of L.15.rieda an73, excap11 ,7d from, vacati5n portion of 17.arimt SY,veet, over a'r.ft7 across the following decrit5d. .T..v.,17(;(,5L landl‘ BEING stri.,7 or parel of land le.G.0 feet in widTh, and further Jecr7bqd, COMMYNC71M ,4t the point of' intarL,ectin. of.' the centex' lines of Say. Jo5o Av6nue, 60 feet in width, arld 17javl,:ct 60 feet as said lin.a3 n/4 d. str5ets are shLwn on J)rwing., 4.590, Case B2, City hngineerws Files, City of Alameda, Ca27.77:ornia; said point h.a8 tnc coorcYcr&tes of y )t61.. 0677 30 ,,t , - tnn 2P-..5 ea f7.3,9t based on. th uporainate Syzcom„ Ione Lyi, are a7,71. be ar,7-irr: coorcil_nates ir„ b..1:3 neocrifticr.; TELENCE along L-7772. said cerlter 11.1rie. Street; North. 22, 'tf,'" East to a point on tla otenslon. of th nortbeateriv line of the aforesaid San ',Jose Averaue, said. 7Dy',1,7at T177bE POINT OF BE5,71MNI77.57, THENCE along the last deEcribad. °line NortL 47* 40' 35" 3,43t 5.0c feet; THENCE f-aon,y a line th.qt Is parall,,,1 with. .,527-Id 51 00 f,::,et northwesterly flt right anglos tiao said center 31ne BB Ma2ket Strect Noth L2* 2.2.' a2" East 100,00 fe6t; THENCE South. 4,7*- 40' 35" -P4st. 10,0C n3at; THEM:;i7; alo• . a line ,7i.-11,ch. is p?,railel with and. '5,00 feet southeRsterly at richt mnoleo to BBB nfore3aid Bentar -line of Mark::t Street, Soati:TH.72* ',72, -12r West 100.00 to 2. point on the aforesaid r.orthasterly lAne of Se.n jone Avenue; TRENCE along te last said. line Nortel 4.77:- )7.0 35 "Yest 5.00 feet to tEn TF7JE T.'07.5.UT OF PEGINNDY, RESOLVED, FIE5PHER, thnt the portion. cf Markt Street to be vacated. e7:51 abayl- d.bned and the details of oaid vacation aeo more particlaialy ShOWD. upcn that cortLdn. Ma17.) Zr°,,,,In 8S Dra.,vAn.g tetn)U, cese 52, bearing the inena: 'Abandonment of i'-.4.17:4::et Street Jortn.539.84- of San Jose AVerra(:)", which. map is hereby approvod for th.f.. purposo of this proceedinp; and. is hereby ordered feled In the offine of th Uity Clerk of thy, City of A71.amed, and. lyLp is liereby refcrred for papticulas as to proposed. 72.cLaicfl- P,FYY2',5VE1 , '''.TEFt, that the 3d day of September, 1957, Bt =0 'clock oB said. day, in the COUNCYLL (71:17A77117a in the CITY HALL, at the nort717,7Hst corner of Santa. larryi Oak St,77oty9 Alanydr, California, and the oano Is toT7aby, fix. as the ti.me and place for 1- 4L by thE, Council of said City of all -persons interested. In c.r. objectirg to the proposed vacation HESOLVED, FIJETHY, t[yat th.e City- Clerk of the C1 t7 of Alaired.9. Is hereby. directed. to caulyie ro3olution. to be pu7ills'ned, in the .77:7777.1r.i.er 7.).77scri.be6. by la-w foT th,e pob7ish.i.r., of opdinances, of th.e Gi'L.y of Alyamed.e, tiae Alaned.e. Tim.es -Star, a ne,,Ispaper of general 4/ 4/ pokaished and circulated. In said. City, and the orficial newspaper ti-rerC. FISIOOLVED, OlIJ:CCIIER„ :haat the Coity Clark of th4 City of Ala:hada is nsreby dlhectod to post, 0 sands to be posted, honshinuously along the line of' the sty:snot and. part of street pro-posed to be vacated, notices of such venation, in the form and manner required by the legislative act halnAldcritor nentinsood, E11.andidISED, FURTHER, anal, in. the haah:in proposed vacation of said. street or portion of stroca aforementione.d, the CourciO. of the City of' alarri(Cia Sahcaby elects to proceed undhh ad1. in halanuance of the phodrisians of the Street 'Vacation. Ant of 1941 of' the :State: of Callfornia (Chacter 2.50, tatutes of 1941)3 aS amended,: I, the undersoinhad, hhceby soctlfy that tiaa foregoing hcssolatoon was duly and regularly ictrodaced and adopted bin the Couch il of the City of Alameda in hessular meeting, assembled oh. the Eashi day of a-assist, 1957, by the followich vote, to AYES: Councilman Hang, Petersen, (Schacht and Pposidhat McCall, (4) „ NOES: None. ABSETIT: Councilman Tasman, (1). IN '.:,(ITNEZS WIEPEOF, I ha vo hoceurts set asy 'nand and affixed. She official seal of seid Oita thls 7th day of cnnguat, 1957, SISIFIEY H 7177 '57; * * * :-.77-5TETE7i- hereba certlfis that the foheaoln4 is a full, true and correct copy of "Phsolutihn No. 5'(((idii, TOE(ol„C(TION OF INTENTION TO CTOER THE VACATION. NF A PORTION OF dciTSITET ST:11(51, IN THE: CITY OF ALAYalx," introduced and adopted by the City Couswil on the Sith dad( of fassoist, 1.957„