Resolution 05684lisaibliellOY IO. PE(SOPOCO(( ( 51i072 RELCCOING TO PlbelIC OFF- STO.Tiaid MFI(ETED aLLOseiNsi Pardaidiei Sri:W.0S ST.SOH LOTS h(dir,. I LICHL VeiN C21 Y EYENTAI.2_, CCO'D.iS, the Chian,' il of is C 1 'oy pr i head, on de iemher 7, 195( dalhe he a con de dolor, inr re io nob] 'r T-strsci: he three harrir0 rota ; ono end CC ',Air, it is the ouldad o n o tho Cesine il of o is City of Alahoors t oat boar sao fitrm osid oonile edf -9tr", G bo increased by loin o7urst oo A /I ea is,,e'ildnina ihs roma o s(io car., oberedev coo o a io newaye. of erarhineo one cos are 'lot en o ars-hlY end', a DO(Ci dO eidiCiari0 by O.° eci II OS, lifin '0"- trIA 5d072 of Cele City Gf Aloyaris is oi,i(nOer ieilihy Olbdec, to n new Cc t Yoo °, c sad: i road as f o l( oos Soh tier 6. 210E-J-0. oho J. trvai iserocei de roar (lel c. its old, olecen Oierao said:1h r (bid acne la tiensi sat o by toe C Ley snssices iiTeiis Stiroe iii Ptlsi,010y, Lot tsn (1'0) ninaceS L. east Orfiee Cecirt -Site 2, Parhird Lob; bro,idod, howevoe, ,orsi seed, M0 0,=.0'y seneal Elms:net boo silte C PEC Sit,e Slan0H1 nOL be -3,2 so, coL0e 7),) S t, "O' s0rrsi car 'or', ahalL nce too:, thar Sid (i(O.Ina) hni]ers, hnia snardee nnc araiiaca Yeiatoic, ihrt isenocaii oeell no hercenale ao tn, alld and nischorior di' tro inanh!i of thn Clad! nn Alaande. Co, da s cer(lioOD r'0D: hoct':lien 5 0!: aronde..i io road as tolicos: Section 5. rao Council of tho City of Alameda alesy upon duo apelLie o t and at its discretion, psrrti t te-L, sse of s oeic if lc metered harkin:o spores located thAn said 'o(0.0L1c, of f t ciarkiro. lo by aa.ysically hsadiesoped persons, st a (nor thl y ro re of ',dive ($5.00) Dollars, eaysbae in adersnee in thn of Alalbe do ; soiC h0rrilt shall be revocable at tee, one,. Pr,' c. do of the Ccrreil or shall trusehilato17 coeds opon tho non oaydent eC any sm Cale OP t.10,0 Ce Sa t 10fl: sun h c da I, the Lndersist-ie, s,cireby certify' ansi bho fotssr.0ctin.7 te,so.L.stlor, WP03 0.111.:y" arld. irAtrOCIt.ACE;C;. arICI "adC0r,Dr0-7,d. 'C07. too Co, ncil.. or the 01(os chi ,aseOh.,,. Tyra ,i. 1 r 017, ir107 001 Or. C10.17,7 70, 1"17 I.; Ile 3. 0 10; .H900Z, 0 S , y S C Per d o (eiri ( ) biCCIE: Coanolimar Fre errn , (1) . Th. herdli.Fsel roe chiCP , I hare 'sore onto sot my( 'resod ses ob as ie el to inis 21st da:' of ieissiat , 1957, 77,17.7 570 b.,. of she re i.ty ° I is ' corbby enetidy that eh (or:in-:in.' is a uide s,;(-07 T. ldsoci.olor ei, JO. Obi? e h.-- 2C tllediid Cc' -CPC., CT Tr- (Pc: A.0 T-) (iCel e ' ,efio (00bC .(, : lb !oclaeboci sinniei ..b City o( bio °Pio dab ef ea -a si, 19hd. _ ( slt7 of oloarenla