Resolution 05705RESOLUTION NO.. 5705• AMPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISION AND PLANS FOR CONSIT=WK G17 A REST 'ROOM 'BUILDING ITES,P1 THE 15TH: GREEN ON THE NEW GOLF COURSE, CALLING FOR. BIDS Alt.,FD DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO AMTET=SE SAME. WHEREAS, the city Engineer hias nrepared. Specifications, SpecIt.1 Provisinns and Plans for 1...1.6 construction oi a rest room bulidAng near tile 15th wreen on. • Golf Ocur5e, numbered.PW 10-57-2o and filnd in °file:. of the City Clark on October 1, 1957; NUJ THEEEFORE, BE: IT RESOLVED EY THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions e..nd Plans, numbered and. filed as aforesaid, bo, and the same are laereby approved and adpted. REnOLVED, FURTHER that the performance afln comTltion of the work speci- fied. tn said Specifications and Provis:lors be, and th* same is hereby. authoriEed, 1:,'11RTTiER, thnt the Council of tne C,ity of 1-,inivola receive ..ealnd bids up to the h*ur of 7:35 o'clock p.m. on TUSday, Octoloe'r 15, 1957, for furrl.ishing to the City. of all. labor, natials, machinery, tools and ec0.1.1ment neces- .sRry for the work hareinnbove referred to, rn accordance with. said. Specifications and. Provisions. Bith. must be presented to the City C17::,k, In the City Hall, Alameda, enliforia, under sealed cover and plainly' marked on. the outsid, 'Proposal for Coll- straction of Rest Room Building near 15th Gre6n on. New Golf Course,' or similar • sicmation. ContPet, awarded, will be ewarded 8Uct to 1...lan provisions of the Chapte of th... (jit7 of Alam, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and' best bid, riOlt is reserved to relect an7 or all. bids. Said Specifications and Provisions .rly be 1 by any prospective b71,el, on. application. to thn City Engineer, a t ials office in the City Hall, Alameda, Cali- fornia. The City Clark is hereby. dleeted to advertise, in the Alameda Times-Star • not,tce callifw for sealed bids, in 1(71 71 with the rrovisicns of thls resolu- tion. and. of sald Briecifications and. Provisions. r;`,- •.;; , tha undersisned, hareby certify th*t the foreolp Rescautioln was duly *nd. regularly L.ntroduced an.d adopted. by. tte Coureil of the City of in regu- lar mee.ting assembled on the ist day of' October, 1957, by tiae follawir..7 vote, to **t: AYES: 0o,ancilmen Collischonn, Ere6mar, Peters**, ScM,,,:et and Freoident Me,Call, (5). OES: 1, 71* ABSENT: None. Pg WITNESS WHEREOF, Lave 'aoreanto set my Land and affixed the official 8eal of said City thiP, 2nd day of October, SHIRLal H, TINTER aerk. of tha CiLy or Alameda h.ereby certify that foregoing is a. full, true and coTi'ect copy of • lution No. 5705, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPI.,IAL PRPVISTONS ANDPLA,US FOR CONSTRUCT IOU OF A REST ROOM BUILDING NEAR THE 15TH .;-,REEN 011 THE NEW GOLF COURSE, GALLING FOR BIDS MO) DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ArqTRTISE SANE,' irtroduced. and ndopted Uy bh!.., Council 1 n tfte ist day of October, 19571