Resolution 0570908 11 ESOLDT107 NO. 5709 EESOLUTION (1 THE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF' ALAYIDA uaGING AND REWESTI. THE ADOPTION DY THE BOARD OF SUPKEVISORS OF THE COTWIT OF ALAMEDA OF THE ALAMEDA COT1 V ,y:ASTaianPLAN, WHEREAS, thore been 7.'re:..iented to the Board. of Supervisors of the County of A-lysmodn for adoption r certain patan ontitled "Almed.P„ CourIty M'aSteP 14.P.s presented for plablic hePring before tho Bo8rd of gupervisors on Seteraher 26, 1957; IlfiER'R.A.S, it is the orinlon. of the Council of the City of AiRmeda th.at the adoption of such plan -Nuld be of FreathYarlefit to both the Clty of Ainmoda ard. the ounty. of Alna,Teda.;- NOW THEIT7ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE CMVIT., OF THE CITY" OF ALLvaDA ttst the Boa.i,d. of Supervioors of tho County of' Alamoda Liereby urged. arld requsted to adopt oaid "Alameda Connty Master Plan.", which. was presented to the Bory-:i of Surer- visors for public heaTing on Soptembe 2.(:, 1957. DE IT FUETEER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolunn be trans- mitted. to the Board of Supervisors of Alameda. County by the Clark of the City of Alameda on or before October 1.7, 749)Y7. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that thD foregoing Rosolution was duly and. regularly introduced. and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regui- inr meeting assembaed or. the 15th. day of October, 1957, by the followIng vote, to wit: Councilmen Collischonn„ Freeman, Schacht and President Mi.:(4fR, 04.). NOES, Coninciiman Fetersh, (1.). ABSET,IT: None, IN WTTNESS WPOIOP, I have hereunto set rriy han1 . and. affixed the official Seal of ssirl. City ttls 16th day or Octobor, 1955. _SHIRLEY fT, yity Clerk of to I hereby c that the foreFoing is a full, true a-nd. correct copy. of "Resolution No. 5709, RE:SOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TIRGINa AND REQUESTING THE AOPTION BY THE BOKRD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CUJNY2Y OF ALAMEDA OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY MASTER PLAN,” introducad and adopted by the Councli on. thk3 15th day of October, 19571