Resolution 01365RESOLUTION NO. 1365. RESOLUTION DECLARING. RESULT OT ELECTION. WHEREAs, a general municipal election waz held'in the City of elemede,on Tuesday, March 12th, 1929, under and 'pursuant to the provisions of Article XI of the charter of said city, to fill the offices of councilmen held by 'rank Otis Ernest R. Neise and George N. Noble, respectively; also for Auditor, to fill the office now held by j. Croll; also for Treasurer, to fill the office now held by Leon H. Ader, all of whose terms expire on April 15th, 1929. ND AHERS, nominating petitions were duly filed and presented to the city clerk in the time, form and manner prescribed by sections 5 and 6 of sold Article XI, nominating for said offices the persons whose names are hereinafter set forth, AM WHMEAS, said nominations were entered in a list, with the offices.to he filled, which list was certified to in the time, form and manner required by section 8 of Article XI, whereupon an election proclamation, stating the time of the election, the offices to be filled, and the names of the candidates, signed by the mayor and attested ty the city clerk, was duly and regularly published. more than ten days before said election three times in the Alameda Pimes-star, the official per of said city, AND e'HEBEA, all the ballots used for said election were prepared arid arranged a2 to form and contents as provided in section 9 of said Artiole XI, c sample ballot being mailed to eaah registered voter on or before March 1st, 1929, being more than ten days preceding said election, together with a, uopy of the questions next herein stated, YD WEEBEAS, to questions were submitted to the electors to be voted upon et said election, which were set forth in a separate column on the right side of said ballots in words and figures as follows: WESTION Shall tho following ordinance be adopted? ORDINANCE I0. New eeriee. - (Reelassifying property) Be it ordained by the people of the City of elameda, ae follows: Seotion 1. The property described aes follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Tract 34, as said trot is delineated and no designated upon that certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit No. 9923 and entitled eacifio Improvement Company, plaintiff, vs. James A. Waymire, et.al., defendants, Superior court of Alameda County, State of California," filer] in the office o the County Recorder ef said A1ameda County on the 30th day of july, 1900, said point being a corner of . YES . Tract 39 of the aforesaid map and in tho Westerly line of Webster street in the City of Alameda, state ef California, es it exists at the present date; thence along the Weeterly . NO . line of Webster Street, North 10 39' Beet 341.43 feet; thence North Ou 00t West, 2158.57 feet; thence leaving said westerly line of Webster Street North 88° 23' 30" Weet, 4099.9 feet to a point in the westerly line of said Trect 39; thence along the westerly line of Tract 39 south Oc 34' East, 250C feet to a point, said point being. 240 feet North 0' 34' West from the segregation line between stetions 3 and 4 oe said line; thenee south 86° 23' 28, East, 3865.9 feet to the Northwest corner of Tract 34; thence alone the line common to Tracts 34 and 39 South 86c 21' 13ast, 230 feet to the helot of beginning, i6 hereby changed and reclassified from an Industrial District, °less vII, to an Airport District, elass IX,