Resolution 02598heraffnebIOS WC. 259e d'AdaA9, a ocrtain inenetne, dated "Tay ld, 1929, .aafaaajaa by and between 9an "Inancizes -Oast:1nd nermindl daisways, a serforation, se :arty of tet f"szt Snirt, and the City of Alameda, a dantaisen coressativse, n3 Anlite nn inn Annsad pant, tho achrowitdted Decester 2, 1920, was anly eadecuseS And aoltvered by Can ranorseo-Canland UenmideI licilsoys, a cersoration, to tD3 of Alsneda; ob.) VHIRE.49, by said inSertuve far Ern:eh:M:0o adaStbd Terminal aofitmade, a sonnerstier, tcrnted to 44ie Oity o. Ala-leda eaoomont for Sat antatiLso ode Ponsarnetion. and .mdntenandso of a snadin sewer in ans. sides utie doblowina de did)nas -mnb enozerty oiterted In 'Coe Cit7 3f Eladodt, Conoty rf noes. 9tnie of 9olifernio, da nnt: WITSInWEI9 at a noint en tne oosterir lite of Crtai to. sadd cdfet Ihding distdat 74 id 39' 1.0e. ft. fferd hbe southosat corner Of Tifoct Tao. 94 es eadd tnact lz deli-stated and so Usandranmi Jaaar.a. thrt oesasln nan.n ebtities ".:".-aar of dinnet ftnedi Land as partitioned stash:: tba fnursof it tho 9nli Panto:tad 9929 rot artitiod doncany, 2"dalutiff, vs. Jamas A. roaffa5aTfa„ ot el hnitawhahts, Cmperior Coert of Alasca: 9abhty, 9aliforhia,9 and filed in tbe office. al! the fecarden of dand Caurty of A]suchte on Culy CO, A900, and runanny tntence N 1":" 39' diong 744o easterly Lino of Trost Es. 94, 1(9.9,1 ft. to a podnt; thence f 85* d 290.22 ft. La a peUnt on thtl ::yesterly line of Trost We. 34; therce "7, ",* D9' 4 4.9 ft. to the soutnyeat corner of Trart W49. 94; therro S 9)Ad 19' .71) 190.59 ft. to t soint; thebate L) '35* "-21' )).69 -1:44 to the point of dauinutnon, WS:Ed:EA:5, the City Of Alontids dreetted. sale anseneet 1,74,4Tsuar..t. tberte aid. conttrect, and continuously thereafter hes maintained, n. ashils seaddr nd and adong the aforesaid tarsal of reel properndi WOW, THIZREFE2TM SE IT AMEAd1179:9 TIE Ins crtmvhmt es OaFTT n7 that the eforementind Yhdenture be, ond tte sane is hoinehy, accepted on toesif of the City of AIrenada, dna. sand City Counhini, fn, ,ard in bennif of enid. City, hereby con-tonna to the reordatind of said indnntune sad. orders this hes° - irdninh. to be. attached. ttenoto; at required. by Sectior 115e of the Clunt node of the atate of California- d, *atta*a a, a I, the undentigtta, hereby certify hhat the: renosimg Resolution was atIty and rea:ularly Antroduase and adopted by the Council. of the. City of Alaneda ra adjaorsed sags:lay mestinm, aosam.blAd. an tne 19tn. day of ify, 1941, by the Tol lowing vote, to wit; aidadt Sounnilmon Lrancheid, cs1-0(.1frey, UOWe, asd Trecideett "dtichhart, (5). RWIE: here. APEEtd: Yone. dift".I.f) W'Rdrifb, I nava btreento set my hand. sha.. affixed tht offi- cial seal of said City tfed. lAth dsy of "nay, 1941. 1.9:9EfE f; (9EAT (777 'cleplc of the citv ,f hereby certify that the forego:. t in. a fulM, trut and cwrreet cony of,s "'desolation 2598. ACCEPTT,Y4C. C4."1"1"1-44"""4:442,E , 7aallialaaLlif.AL • • RAfaifafaS Caf CERTAlaq foa.FaffaffT7 FOR Siihhdf PISEPOSES AfE defEiftierT9 TC fTESSCCE," introduced and. adopted by the Council. antthe a3th of May 19419. of the City. of Aiaicled.a.