Resolution 0363040 RESOLT=ON NC. 3630 aE(TIAARTN(.7. PUBLIC INTEREST AHD YECESSTSPI ISESA1SPE THE AcquIsiTicu OP CEETAIN LAND Pfd. PUBLE.C, OTREEE PUPPOSHS AND AUTHOPIZING THE CIEY KANACHA TO Ns1(10"741F. PwP HAW1 PESELVED ((EY THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY CF AEAMTPAPA, and ssld Council barf.b1T finds and daterndwas, that tha public interest and npoessIty rsaaire the acquisia tion by sald City of Alameda for use by said 01ty for aublie street anwTswes (the extend:ion of Park Street southwesterly 120 feet,' more or loss, from -Otis Drive), os all tnat certain lot, piece or parcel. of land. situate, lying and beinm in. said. City. of Alameda County of Alameda Statp of California, and more aarticalarly described. as folEows.... 1311=SSIA1.1 at the intersection of the scuthwestelf/md of + Drive and the production southwesterly of the south- easterly Pnrk Street, as said. streets now exist; tnenwe along the said Sine of Park SIIreans, 168 feet, more or less, to the itensection of the northeastern boundary lines of the lands convoyed from Alameda County Title insur- ance Company, a corporations Trus- tee's Deed. dated .dovamber 0 1933 and recorded. Fehuw(wrsy 1934, is Volare 3022 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 179; thence alonm the boundary line northwesterly 85 feet, more or less, to a point on tP* noTWhwesterly lthe of Park Street produced southwesterly, said. point beIng tant dup South. 100 feet from tha north boundary. lire of Pat in, sectic, 13, TownshEp 2 South, Range 4 West, as so.1 lot Ss shown on the map entitled "Sale Iliag Nc, 10 of Marsh ann Tide Lands," flied Juno 95 1888, ir the Awrordapad cnnsiae of Alameda County; thance aaong said. production of tile north- wast life of Park Street northwasteray 00 feet, more or less, to the aforesaid southwest line of Otis Drive:. and. thance alorr the last said lire South 50* 30' 50" Fast 80 feet, ware or less, tw trr point of beg.InninE. . RESOIPPIA, ,TIrrrlr,ni,„ that th* City. Manager Imo, and he is hesmsfsy, autWarlanwd, on. behalf of said. City, to enter into negotiations vAPCS1 the owners of the above described 1an. far tho assa1sItion of said. land. I, the undersigned, h(ereby certify. that the foregoin7 Pesolnaloa WRS duly and. reularly kntraanced. and adopted by the °au:12,AI' of the city of Alameda. In. adjourned remu**r meepInm assemble* OP tna 22nd day of *etcher, 1947,..by the following vote, to wit A"SkS: Counciftmen Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Pres.S.dent Pranscheid, (4). NOES: Nona. ABFAEN1:. Councilman Annarson, fl). LH 411TNES1 aERAPP 1 have hereunto set my hann and. affixed. the official seal of said C1sny tain 23rd. day of Onto's**, 194.7. ,(( ?. CLARK Clerk PP tne—CIty of Alamo.nan- I hafeby ceranfy that th* foremcns, Is a full, true and. sorrost conk of . solntlon Na. 3E30, D.P.CIASSENA( 7.F.,77,SeS(P72.7 AND 7EPEZEITY PEQ,Sq:RE THE ACM(SIASSI- PCON aF aERTAIx EASED FUN ASTBLEC STISPASHI: (SUPPOPE AJ111 An1HASPIZIA11 EEZ, CITY MANACHP-2 NEECEEATE POR riqmE," introduced. and adopted by thn Qoarati ow. the 22r.d. day or Gatobar, 1047. Esaf „A" . . ' ,... • c : i-.:0 . , 2,101..k. 01 e Glty of Akathada E.'