Resolution 06121RESOLUTION Ney 6121 OELEEIIJ ve0ATION ON' A CERTAIN FOMION GF OAK . STREET, IN MBE CITA' CI' AIMMEDN. (NORTH OF' BLANDING AVENUE) ma INTITBLEAS, thn Council of the City of Alameda did, on the 19t1 day of July, 1960, pasn its Resolution of intention he. 01031 declaring its intention. to order the vacation, cimsfng arid abandongent oTI that certain portion of' Oak Street north of' Bionning Avenue, in. the City ot' Alomene, County of alemeda, State al' California, mere perImichincrity described. in neje Resoltdrion of Intention as fXflows; LECINN4NG at the intersection af the northwesterly lino of Oak Street, 49,65 feet wide, with the dimnot extenpion nestre westerly oI- tte northeasterly Mime of. Blarenng Avenue; 70.00 feet widg, as said Otreet and Avenue are shown on the "Rap of' Fart of the FI.initurn Tract, Alameda" recorded Merch 3, 1877 at page 119, ib Book I of ileps, ln. 0ne niaredo Recorder's Office; THENCE North 28* 59' Lost along salE northwesterly Line of OoN. Street, 123.56 feet to the "Inns segregetiug the high ann dry land from the marsh lond" as shown; on. 7"eop of Alameda. Marsh Lend" recorded July 50x 1900. et page 74, in Book 25 of NMpe, in the MMartMlo tiorsty Recorder's Office; lTCHN E Seeth 59m 34' East along the last said 'Bi.Em 21.92 feet to the centerline of said Oak Strget; MI5ENCE North. 28* 39' East aloeg seEd centeridep of Oak Street, 70.66 feet to the "Southerly 'Boundary lino of' Tidol Canal" as shown on said Nsicp of Elemsda Eursh fond"; THENCE South 6d* 22' HO" East along sold "Southerly Boundary line of Tidal Candi", 21.91 feet to the sontheanteriV line of sai. E. treet; THENCE South 28* 59' West along said schthEasterly line rf Oak Street, 243.56 feet to the said northeasterly line of Blanding Ahende; THENCE northwesterly 'iong sadd direct extension nertherstenly of the northeasterly line of Blanding Adenne, 45.84 4eet to the BOGIENUEIGE and NHERE,WIM hv said Eesolutier of intention said Council.. declared and. deter - mdmed that public coesenience one necessity restudy-4 the reservation to the City nf Alameda of permanent easements and rights-of-way river anE across ann urder.. a cer- tain parcel.. of' lore situate in that ergitior of Oak Street propesed to ee vbeated, for the. hungmxmo of constructing, operating, mEinteiningt, replacing, renewing and ingpmMning therecan all the public utilities Ilincieding, Out net limited to, storm are sanitary sewers, fresilities for transmiesion of water, gEn, electricity and telp prong° and telograrE.io messages, enE did by said Resolution of. Intortien reserve to the City. of Almmeda, for the aforesaid purposes, a permanent easement and siggt -of - Noy over and across and under thet certain percel of land. hereinafter reschnted; and UNEREPS, th4 her-tier rt said street to be vacated onid abandoned and the 8otalls of said. vacation, together with casements to be retoined, are more particu- larly shown neon tEet certain map known as Drawing 4823, Case 54, bearing the legend: "Closing of Oak Street North of Blorring Avenue", which map was by said. hesolution of Intentiee approved fur the purpose of th8s threceehing and was ordered inned in the office of the City Clerk of the City. of Alameda. and markpd hinlemi dilly 19, 1960", and whiO h. map wes in serid resolution relM;reeni to for further particulars as to the pro- posed vacation; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk cf the City of gMmsede caused soi4. Resolution of Intention to be published in tao manner prescrieed by law tea' the publishing of oral.- ',Ernes of tho City of Alamedo;nin the Alameda Times-Star, a daily newspaper of general circulation hrhilshee ond circulated in said city and the official nemmtlerner thereof; and. pocof oi' snid publicettor is evidenced by an affleo1 T4 of publica- tion row sr file in the office of the City ClorM ef said city; and eFoREAN, proof of se'd hosting of such retied is evidenced by tLe affidavit of tre person hooting said notices, uhich affidavit sets :gargh era facts regarding such pontirm and is now on Cile ln lee ofFice of trs City Clerk of said City; and hCERNRS, tre matter of said proposea voccticn care cr regularly for hearing Lefore Council of the City of Plemeda at its regular meeting on the letb Tay o" Aamust, ond at Bre tims End eidoe fixed in said Rosolution rd intothrico, end at Etch noarirm che enie Souncil beard the evidencs offeroa by chi parsons interested in ccid stree vocaton, anc a full haorIng therocn having teen had are tne matter sub- mitted 'or retarminhtion; hCa, BUT:Be:BONN, NE TT fh0CLVIIIi HI INC, OCCfaiti CB Idh CITU CF Leer:ENE t1ht seid Cour.c-i] hereby finds and deter,Fines, from otl the evidence submitted, tIat the street and ;rant tbereof in said Heoelanion of Cntostior and hordinhcford hore oentf- cdi,orIy doceribed is unnecessats for ntescht and nrcsnective uusite etrocu m-r-reo- ,