Resolution 06248CI:TY OF 313/MIETM\ FESOLUTION NO. 624.37; 7313.53.333.FrieN OF allE CCUNCI.L. OF T17 CITY (FF AIFFfi3Det APPriNflIFY3 MIFF,33E13_2E REFFUMIENT 3oAR,p RESCITIL BY THE COU3W:mt Of THE C3t.Y OF MIMM.425A that SOIVIC B. ERICKSON be, and sItt, is hereby ampointed to the office of member of tne Rmtirememt selm..1., created by Ordinem..ce No. 673 Nem, Seriem, the Cl ty off Alamemlny f or e tCrIn cammencing on Muly 1., 1951, mmtl expariag on. Juse. 30, and tc serve ft:Atli hex successor is sppointel and is qualifiy2d. I., the. undersigned, lieTelry certify that the. foTegoins acsodurion was duly and re.Bularly introduced and odopted hy the Council of the City of .Alermedy in regular TT, E.:, etins asem3mhJe,1 on th 20tr day. of jure, (961, by the following vote, to cit: Csunclimen Dungan, Cfsdfrey, VcCY.31, SchaeYm ant'. President EFFIlisshonny (5). tF3F33.: Nnme. IN Witrff.F.33 WfialtEfr, I. have bsrennts set my Mtn-mi. an3 f.173 mod the official seal tnM City this. 21t5t day oY June, 196.1y SKFLEY ttmm (3E333) M Clerk of the CY ty oL Aik1111 hcreby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct espy of 'City of. _Alameda Resolution FM,. 624B, APFMPOINM FF.M.13FR OF TUE PrETTPEKENT BOARD", introduced ond od.orAcod by Rhe Council "3 TA the. 2Ct31 tiay ef June, 1961..