Resolution 06524C14TY OF ALRNERA '1 (14 NO. 6524 .'41 1) (nAsDI op) REQuEsTIK AumeatzATIoN FOR TEE CITY .7 ALAMEDA TO DIVIDE ITS RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO PROVIDE FOR OASDI (SOCJAL SECURLTY) C) VEJtAGE. WHEREAS, tho City of Alameda hereinafter designamed as "Pbblic Agency", 13 '1 to establish a "deemed" retirement system pursuant to Section. 218 (•) (6) of' the Federal Sowial becu5A Ly Act composed of ifeeltionR of member.s, inclyiding members as definEd in Section 22015 of Ole Government Code, GE the State Emplo yes' Retirement. ExpL,pm hereinafter designated as Rresonf Retirement System", desiring coverage, and to include services performed by Andividuals entployed by thP Public Agency in positions ouve.red Ey said 1, 113713 retirement sxxtem, as members of a 14 1'1' group. 1, 13/111 by Section. 218 (d)(4) of sai.d Act, io. the California State Social Security 3' 13 of March 9, 195!.. providing for the coverage of public etrTloyees under Coe Insurance system establieheti by Title. 11 of said Act as awn.ded,. and WHEREAS, State and Federal 1A.W. and regulaOlops require, as a condition of such coverase, that a division be authorized by the Board of Administration, Statp bRilployeef.' Retirement SysteffG and WILEREAS, ft is necessary that the. "Publii,i Agency" no Ri de :1.1, (-tate any se ' 13> e S Wh iCh desires bo exclude from coverage with. respect ro such coverage froup under eaid insurance 11 113, and WERRHAS, it is necewsary for the Public Agency to set forth the modification, i f any, of fhe beweiR to. an.d contribublons codex the Present Retireplenw System that may result from cover- age under the. said insurance system 5,5th respwct to such coverale '113 NOW, TREREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thyat the Board of Ad5do7 str1 tio1 , State. Employees' Retlremeuff. Syst,e5q be and hereby is requested to authorize the. foregoing division, and BE IT FIRMER RRS.017E.D. that. open receipt. of aq.thorization from the Board of Admiblix- fratiOn. a division shall he conducted in accordance 'pleb the requiree3ents of Section 218 fd) of the Social Secfarity Act, and applicabe State pub? FeCoral laws and regulations; that eaoll member of the Present. Retirement. System at the time of the diyfisibm shall be furnished A fbrm to permit the member to elect Whether or not his sorvices shfryff. be excluded from OT incLuded under the said California State. Social Security 13 3- as hereinbefere provided; with such. coverage effective eR to servlices performed on. and afber January 1, 1959_ ; ard 3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tile f113i3ow54 g Perv5ces with respect ts said coverage group of the Public Ageoffy shall be excludwd from coverage under said &groom:fut.': I. ATI pervIces excludod from coverage under the: agreemehl by Section 218 of the RocL al Securi ty Act.; and Hervicos excluded by optiox of the Public Agwncy (Cheri, only one part) / / a. No opeional excLwsions desired ix / b. Service performnd: (-biasses of elective legislative positions aud BE IT I2JRTEER RESOLVED, that pdth respeot to the said coverage group the herwfi rs ar5.1 coatributiG5s of the: Present Retlremwilf System shall (afft-Re-mHif5ed-ifixaey-way) (6e-moPLiied p413 y643311 Apew-ppe31iefien3--offA3-ele-1;7-e3-4311Ry-E.1 2LpyeesIER5.4YperRw31 -5213wwwf-11393(7) -(be modified pur- suant to Resolution No, _.65,23,, of this body adopted on. SoLszber 1.7 , 19 63 BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice. of the division shall be given to merdhere of Lbw Present System not lesw. thpo. ninety f,ays prior to thw date of the division; provided, however, that notice shall be given to cx1Ployees becoming members of the Present. Retiremenq SyPtern after the datw boob not5ce up to and inwfuding the date. t2f the. division c1 . the date co ythIch they attain memborship in. the system; and that. Dyrrest Routt, Per,Roo.nel Direotor , iv hereby designated anti appointed to conduc5 such division on benzlf of the. Public Agency in aocordance with law, regulations, anyi this jnoluding the fixing of t.he date and the enieins ob. proper notice thereof to meEbers of the Prosent Retirement System and tc. all such eligible employees; aryl B2 If FOELLIER. RR:SOLAR:2D, thab the Public Agency will pay and reimburse rhe state at such time and in. such amounts as may bc deferrdned by the State the approximate cosf of any and all. work and services reation. to such di vi si on