Resolution 07092CITY OF ATeRKSA PRE13.103GANKOr 7092 ASOFRRIed REELIFICATIORT, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND FLANS FOE IUSTALITICY CT' A. STBRM SRUFF IN STANTON STREET FROR FACIFIU AV'EntF Trl BUENA VISTA AVerYPER GALEENG F03 TILE AND LTRECTINK CITY CLERK TO AB VERY ISA' CAME yEri. _GEER_ GPI:REAL, The City Enaerneer hap prepared SpacifirraIRUKKG Speulal Rubbisioras and Plans Sep the lanstellstian of a storm. pacer in Stanton Street from Fecific evenue to Buena Vista Avenue, No. PK 2-67-2, end filbd in the office of the Oity Clet on February' 7, 1967: NOR THE:REBORE, EE IT RESOLVED PR" TEE COUNCIL OE' THE, WERE OE el...EPEE:A that. the afbruseid Specifications, Special Provisions and Flans, nambered and filed as afore- said, be, and the samb ere horeby approved End adopted. 3E IT" BUATREL" RISOLVE1 that. the performance and comeletdon of the work specified in. said Specifications and Erb-visions be and thb ebmb is hbreby aublorized( 31 IT ITIOCUSII RESOLVED that LITE:Council of' the Cl'ty of Ale:arida will receive saalug bids up to the hour of 11:00b(clock a.m, on FRIDATK FBilhUARI 2b, 1967, for furnishing to the City. of all labor, materiels, machinery, tools and equipment gebessery for' the work hereinabcye re:Pe:eyed to, in accordance with pald Specifications and. Provisiona. Bids muat be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, Callfornie, under sealed cover and plainly' marked on the outside, "Proposal for installation of a Storm Sewer it Stantch Street from Pociiic Avenue to Buena Vlstir Avenue", or similar designabion. ontract, if awarded, will. be awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Alambee, to thb responsible bidder who submits. the locust end best bid. The right. is re:spiny:RI to reject any or ail bids. Sald: Spucifications arid Provisions may be had by' any prospective bidder on. application to the City Engineer, at his office ie. the City. Hall, Alameda, California. The City' Clerk is hereby' directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times-Star, a notice calling for sealed. bids, Jan accordance with the provibions of this resolution. and of said Specifications and Proyisions. I, The rudersiehel„ hereby certify thet the foregoing Resolution was. duly' and regularly introduced and :adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assomtded on the. 7th. Day of February, 19673- bp the folluwing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Bartley, re: Cruig, Jr., YuCell•arO Vice President NOES: None. RESENT: President Godfrey, C.O. IN REPRISES OBETIOB, I have hereunto set my Nand and affixed the officia3 seal of said City this 8h day of' Fehr-Lorry, 1967. (SEAL) STEEKIRKI H. TKNNIOR City Clerk of th77iby of aloguda hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of "City of Alambda Resolution. No. 70.92,EADORTINK SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS A.N PLANS FOR INSIALLATION OF A STORM SEhER IN STANTON STREET EBBE PACIFIC AVENUE TO BUENA VISTA AVENUE, CALLING F03 bilis Abu DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE EARS," introduced and adopted by the Council On the 7 dey of February, 1967. City Clerk pi the City of kleaeda