CIC Resolution 03-107COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 03 -107 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR THE ALAMEDA POINT, BUSINESS AND WATERFRONT AND WEST END COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (the "Commission ") has prepared Amendments to the Community Improvement Plans (the "Amendments ") for the Alameda Point, Business and Waterfront and West End Community Improvement Projects; and WHEREAS, as the Lead Agency, the Commission, has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration on the Amendments pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., hereinafter "CEQA "), the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 Cal. Code Regs. Section 15000 et seq., hereinafter the "State CEQA Guidelines ") and local procedures adopted by the Commission pursuant thereto; and WHEREAS, the Commission has published and distributed a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance with Mitigation Measures and circulated a draft Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration in accordance with CEQA and State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Commission received three written comments during the public review period, none of which resulted in revisions to the Amendments or Mitigated Negative Declaration that require recirculation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to adoption; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2003, the Commission and the City Council held a joint public hearing on the proposed Amendments and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and the Commission has considered all comments and testimony received pertaining thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared, published, circulated and reviewed in accordance with the requirements of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and local procedures adopted by the Commission pursuant thereto. Section 2. The Commission hereby finds, on the basis of the whole record before it (including the initial study and comments received) that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed Amendments will have a significant effect on the environment and that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the Commission's independent judgment and analysis. Section 3. The Commission hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration as complete, adequate and in compliance with CEQA, State CEQA Guidelines and local procedures. Section 4. The Commission hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 5. The Secretary of the Commission is authorized to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of the County of Alameda and the Office of Planning and Research, if applicable, following the adoption by the City Council of ordinances adopting the Amendments. Section 6. The Commission is the custodian of the documents and other material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this decision is based, which documents and other materials are located at City of Alameda, Development Services Department, 950 West Mall Square, Room 215, Alameda, CA 94501 -7552. ALA - COMMRESOAPVGNEGDEC EXI A Mitigation Monitoring Program MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE AMENDMENT AND MERGER OF THE WECIP AND BWIP, AND AMENDMENT OF THE APIP -- MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST The environmental mitigation measures listed in the second column below have been incorporated into the conditions of approval for the Amendment and Merger of the West End Community Improvement Plan (WECIP) and Business and Waterfront Improvement Plan (BWIP), and Amendment of the Alameda Point Improvement Plan (APIP) Project in order to mitigate identified environmental impacts. A completed and signed chart wit indicate that each mitigation requirement has been complied with, and that City and state monitoring requirements have been fulfilled with respect to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. IDENTIFIED IMPACT AIR QUALITY Impact AQ -1: Air Quality Impacts from Construction. Construction activities associated with project - facilitated development could generale exhaust emissions and fugitive particulate matter emissions that could significantly affect local and regional afr quality. MONITORING VERIFICATION RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE Imp!. (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) Entity Mitigation AQ -1: For all project- facilitated construction activity, require implementation of dust control measures by construction contractors during all construction phases. In compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) recommendations, the following dust control measures should be required at construction sites: m Water all active construction areas at least twice daily; ▪ Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non- toxic) sot stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites; ® Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites; arid ▪ Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. Where construction sites exceed four acres in area, the following enhanced measures should be required: City: incl. in condi- tions of grading permit approval Monitoring and Type of Timing Verification Entity Monitoring Action Requirements City Confirm that requirements are included in grading permit language Prior to issuance of grading permit Signature Date Legend: Appl. individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp. = incorporate; constr. = construction; NA = not applicable Fr.t„„,•,,,, yn 0011q WPP 016241PR()IMAICHT.624 MEPS�yRE �,nttty kc tPOrclori of fap Al.) x 1 soil, rc tCO Hydroseed or aPpty e constNcCro areas inact +ve areas afisers to inactive `lous \y graded for ten or morel, for to 'On cover Water Vice da o or aP pW tnon tOog bi de rs X eed SWOP etc -1 limi t tragic, speeds on unpaved roads to 15 hour; Install sandbags or other erosion con \ot Measures Pre t ru o t1 to Pubtrc ays., and • disturbed areas rant ve90tatioeble rs s os R ulGkty asp sores as q not the abovi this Project tO a 1mP \emg d��e the in+P evtel less- reduce nifican Would I e try t for lncreas amendments Q 7 Potential P\an re ment of tmnd r er i could tau-Agate dev t e me g, \d m a merger cov rodvcrn9 tee act\ is orn aadrst a`a\ nts, et) tCook n9 ex wets irrar+tvld a \rrAP velna, etc-) d e of odor ak n t tan tacervaSOiirces ent 1 restA mand other odor impacts on dtace and actsrby orcresen trve aomrner6al e icela and rn °aide tTal development. evelopmen . -1- rlutrO cer lace. °stdentrat r inciea5ed significant r ul in P Potential t Pate npa re less -tttan's 9 As a use P, face +fated Mondrti n, ea ire nee o�ro \�en°rati died uon condition d oth haul of restaurant an untie ex nog-torts rG sterns or o he toonvenio S `e noutd reduce l sthe reucdo a less less-than-significant le o impact to the potentially s drese \' trop, the various use in ei- Pr °senis a ' i construe u�ient these rojec d egirit to odors Duringproject Incorporate; orP itclesan °ticeat \e d ve\ td a \so or PoWere yeas would ba trgt \y project a odors are not \+\cell to e °ied to have odors ipd�viduatWou \d be expected bpu°tdaries--+ e" j1 imP�'ot. pities t at'P \rte t less- than-s�g tndt\t \d F �'; �aPPtrca ��gend P °lp5trrrLtr °r1; N p39 e`er urine \mpro G\G ; Grty Ga \rt°ro nu °us; G0FG' Depart IDENTIFIED IMPACT BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact BR -1: Project Impacts on Biological Resources_ (The following impact is similar to Impact B10-1 in the Catettus Mixed Use Development EIR.) Project - facilitated, General Plan - enabled development involving the disturbance of groups of large, mature trees in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas could impact (disturb) Cooper's hawks that may be nesting in such tree groupings. Project - facilitated, General Plan- enabled development involving disturbance of existing abandoned buildings in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas could impact pallid bats and western mastiff bats that may roost in abandoned buildings. All three of these species are "state species of special concern." MONITORING RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE Entity (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) Mitigation BR -1: (The following mitigations are similar to Mitigation 810- 2 in the Cateflus Mixed Use Development ERR.) Prior to construction of any future discretionary development in the WECIP or BWIP Project Areas that may disturb an existing group of large mature trees, the CIC or participating devetopers shall retain a qualified biologist familiar with the area to conduct a nesting survey, following California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) nesting survey protocols. If Gooper's hawks are found nesting, the nest tree(s) shall be protected from disturbance during the nesting season, as specified in the Cateflus Mixed Use Development EIR. (810 -1). Monitoring and Verification Entity City: City require survey(s) where needed For any future discretionary development in the WECIP or BWIP Project Areas that will involve direct disturbance of an existing onsite abandoned building, a qualified biologist familiar with bats shall be retained to conduct a CDFG-protocol survey within 6 months prior to any project - facilitated demolition or disturbance (re abte moe) of the abandoned building, the status of pallid bat and western mastiff bat species within the structure. If one or more of these special status species is detected, the bats shall be removed from the building(s) by a biologist familiar with proper relocation of bats, following the performance standards identified for this mitigation in the Cateflus Mixed Use Development EIR (BI0 -2). Improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incarp. = incorporate; Legend: Appl.: individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community Imp WP9 OIF241PRDIMMCNT,624 constr. = construction; NA - not applrcablc CIC or appl.: complete survey(s) Type of Timing... y . Monitorin g Action Requirements If one or both surveys are required, confirm completion of CDFG - protocol surveys) and incorporation of survey recommendations into project Prior to individual project final approval VERIFICATION Signature Date t( lets rmptg0 6, c0ntr ore and toc vporatro' °t recora rep ationstnto protect ;U► �At �� 1r 1U r � P ror lec tl : P ; i s o n Re tn project (Improvement amendments d Me reouldlacilrtek anov a \\ case i n ec tr deveOPenae �ePadgN \P ar eas pro\e0t ta0ra improvement activities to ;e areas °OU \dhave srg ;d\can t �C \mPa °ts °o eXs\n9 hist cPso urc es, including o°ssb e W00\110 \\ era these areas y oeasig pr `\y to lC assisted citon that R,ay a trona\' sea or trot rsha 1 ar eaa n a quay or hrstor\c pR;r< aoeo \der servato are an ears the 45 arch +te s� °a rd� Y °c\c slat s ito� a s on structure o cure for lretady!nclude9 n is in 1is national is or City lb \e t°, or is deter+a\ned 10 be e1 gel of or 11eGOmntend dRe(',a s, t Reeport shalt rec e use, or thn °urc tr alron d ad N + her pre asur focarmrned tha the h\stOrr oflsred>> tt,e etc n eR` d ntnasbe 01 \mtnathe slain're oarrrentat m i For an1G1P or Seri \P eas a na ices, r s os` n sof 0\60\ the pm ec spa\ so Y ° its afeatorP°as! ttecea u+te+09Crty a t+ or older, d arOrrtec preservation d °list r r sub stant+a drty one or more htslorc sir ucfures. es, an 't is Res geN grte. es are err trop to another t Such Measures re deter-Mined \e a d ld rte t +r GiiY shall Make s +9RrttcaU�re preparation rePar locus +n9 tndrn9 d shalt require repo anon eff nct a'rronn+ertt dentity the COI-Nation on da \e art en act, identity on this as sr'rirt\can ass0C \ate eratrons. aGtrorr Banda opt a as Considerations. \ Disturbance of �lris ct CQ.2: a 1Aesourc`'GVb_1 1p act is grc \ar to 1mPaMrxed UsOtrvities impact is Sn re ;0 E-xcavatto cl Pleas tdentrttednnt�` \N OP Pent ct rera�Jnd s t and a by the project a ndli -npro emeRts e deeny the Project and haeoiorb a1 resources in the could mpa� ,not of Mitigation is rem -iris Sawn-lent ta 2: l m gatio t is orlon C 9 iron C1_11..-2 eve \o +R'nn ther to tus ed use D surface + i.:-0 okt-t event that aubs raced the the are thing �i� \nrn50UrCns ground-disturbing \ Ou\turat latnd roved g. r re during approved in the ed and activities for a activity, shalt be stopped to immediate vicinity sh rnta�n vic0 ae0\o9\st ' Or immediate acct -ire d +scO a qua ate ehe tends' evaluate _..rr ilic ude as cond+troo of grading Pet"ur appro val PPPt:. tncorp'n coost. contracts IDENTIFIED IMPACT Impact CR -3: Disturbance of Paleontological Remains. Excavation activities in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas associated with development encouraged and improvements funded by the project could unearth paleontological remains. Some of these remains could have significant importance. RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) disturbance of any cultural resources should also be reported to the CHRIS and the Native American Heritage Commission. Mitigation measures prescribed by these groups and required by the City shall be undertaken prior to resumption of construction activities. If human remains are found, the County coroner shall be informed immediately. If the coroner determines that no investigation of the cause of death is required, and if the remains are of Native American origin, further actions shall be coordinated with the Native American Heritage Commission and representatives of local Native American groups. Implementation of this measure would reduce the impact to a less -than- significant level. Mitigation CR -3: If fossils are unearthed during future excavations associated with a improvement plan - facilitated development or improvement project, a qualified paleontologist shall be consulted so that the resource is not further damaged or destroyed. The decision to extract the resource, preserve the resource in place, or sacrifice the resource shall be made at that time, depending on its significance. This is a standard procedure implemented for projects throughout Alameda, and would reduce this impact to a less -than- significant level. MONITORING Imp!. Monitoring and Type of Timing y on Requirements Entity Verification Entity Monitoring Act[ City: include as condition of grading permit approval Appl.: Incorp. in constr. contracts City Confirm that regmnt. is included in grading permit Prior to grading permit issuance VERIFICATION Signature Date Legend: Appl. = individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp. = incorporate; constr. Consliuclion; NA = nu applicable r--, r, „ i3,r(, rn 4 IDENTIFIED IMPACT HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Impact HWQ -1: Short -Term Construction Period Impacts. (The following impact is similar to Impact HYD - 2 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR.) Project- facilitated construction activities and post - construction site uses in the BWIP and WECIP Project Areas could result in the degradation of water quality in the Oakland Estuary and San Francisco Bay by reducing the quality of storm water runoff (same as Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR, impact HYD -2). Impact HWQ -2: Storm Drainage System Impacts. Future project - facilitated development may require new storm drainage infrastructure, representing a potentially significant impact. Impact HWQ -3: Flooding Hazard Impacts. (The impact is similar to Impact HYD -1 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR.) Project - facilitated development may be exposed to existing flooding hazards. RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) Mitigation HWQ -1: (The following mitigation is similar to Mitigation HYD -2 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR.) Each future discretionary project in the two Project Areas that involves soil disturbance of 5 or more acres, or that is part of a larger common plan for development that will involve soil disturbance of 5 or more acres, shall prepare to City satisfaction a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) designed to reduce potential impacts to surface water quality through the construction and life of the project, following the performance standards identified for this mitigation in the City - certified Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR (mitigation for Impact HYD -2). Mitigation HWQ -2: Where warranted, as determined by the City, future project - facilitated individual developments shall be required to construct or fund their fair share of needed new storm drainage facilities, designed in accordance with City of Alameda criteria and installed in existing street rights -of -way. Components of these new improvements may be phased as development occurs, to the satisfaction of the City. Mitigation HWQ -3: (This mitigation is similar to Mitigation HYD -1 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR.) Any project - facilitated development proposed for location within the FEMA designated 100 -year flood plain shall be subject to associated existing flood protection policies and regulations. Any Legend: Appl. = individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community It constr. = conornrrf ,ry NA = not applicable Pann hi p MONITORING Imp!. Entity City: require SWPPP where needed Appl.: complete SWPPP, if required City: require needed storm drainage improve- ment constr. or funding Monitoring and Verification Entity City City City: if City needed, require flood -plain delineation Type of Monitoring Action If required, confirm that SWPPP measures are incorp in conditions of grading permit approval Confirm that regmni is incl. in conditions of approval If required, confirm that flood plain delineation is included w/ grading plan Timing Requirements Prior to grading permit approval Prior to final project approval Prior to grading or building permit approval VERIFICATION Signature Date ovement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp. = incorporate; Fel.. „a 2003 WP(.( OIMMCHT.624 IDENTIFIED IMPACT NOISE Impact N -1: Future Land Use /Noise Compatibility Impacts. Residents or occupants of future project - facilitated development could be exposed to vehicular traffic noise levels along Atlantic Avenue considered to be "conditionally acceptable" or "normally unacceptable" under existing Alameda General Plan Noise Element standards. (See City of Alameda General Plan, page 86 for standards.) Impact N -2: Project - Related Increase in Atlantic Avenue Noise Levels. (This impact finding is similar to Impact NOI -1 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) project- facilitated development proposal for a portion of the BWIP or WECIP areas that does not have an existing FEMA floodplain map shall, prior to issuance of any grading or building permit, submit for City review and approval, a detailed floodplain (design flood) delineation for the development site in accordance with FEMA standards and as described in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR under mitigation HYD -1. Mitigation N -1: Require all project - facilitated multi - family residential and other noise - sensitive projects proposed for locations adjacent to the major roadways to prepare an acoustical study by a qualified acoustical consultant, and require implementation of study- recommended measures necessary to comply with City of Alameda and state noise standards. Where warranted, suggested noise abatement measures include the following: 8 Incorporate special noise abatement measures into the project architectural design, including sound -rated windows and doors; and Shield outdoor activity areas from traffic noise utilizing the existing or proposed building, or noise barriers. Mitigation N -2: (This mitigation is similar to Mitigation NOI -1 in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR.) The City or CIC shall retain a qualified MONITORING Imp!. Entity Monitoring and Type of Verification Entity Monitoring Action City: if City needed, require noise study City or CIC City Prior to individual project final approval Prior to final approval of a residential project over 50 units in Timing Requirements If required, confirm that noise study recommendation s are included in project design Confirm that noise study recommendation s are being VERIFICATION Signature Date Legend: Appl. = individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp. = incorporate; constr. = construction; NA = not applicable WP9.(JI624IPf?DIMMC(1T.624 IDENTIFIED IMPACT EIR.) Project - facilitated buildout of the WECIP and BWIP Project Areas would contribute to an anticipated significant increase in traffic noise along Atlantic Avenue south of the BWIP boundary to outdoor levels which exceed acceptable standards for adjacent and planned multifamily and other noise - sensitive uses. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC The project (improvement plan amendments and merger) would permit continued implementation of the areawide improvement actions called for in the 1983 WECIP and 1991 BWIP (see section 3.1 herein) and evaluated in the associated 1983 WECIP and 1991 BWIP EIRs. These continuing improvement actions would in turn facilitate an overall increase in the rate of cumulative development in the WECIP and BWIP areas. The characteristics of this cumulative development would be consistent with the City of Alameda General Plan, and contribute to the RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) noise consultant to prepare a detailed noise study for Atlantic Street south of the BWIP boundary, based on the projected cumulative traffic increase described in the Catellus Mixed Use Development EIR, which is consistent with the project - facilitated cumulative growth scenario. The noise study shall describe: . for existing noise - sensitive uses within 200 feet of the roadway centerline: minimum sound wall specifications necessary to achieve an acceptable exterior noise level (based on General Plan standards) for existing residential, commercial lodging, school, and other noise - sensitive uses; and . for planned noise - sensitive uses within 200 feet of the roadway centerline: implement Mitigation N- 1 herein. NA MONITORING Imp!. Entity NA Monitoring and Verification Entity NA 1111 m, w, ad414111u, m,us; owuwi111uunhPomm1oinbio01umu1wm ,wai1ninm1 ;ismmIdall Type of Monitoring Action size or commercial project over 40,000 sq. ft. NA Timing Requirements implemented, on a fair share basis if necessary NA VERIFICATION Signature Date NA NA Legend: Appl. = individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp. = incorporate; constr. = ' ''`'" NA = not applicable FeL,_a.0 2003 INF9.t )1MMnfCrf1024 IDENTIFIED IMPACT cumulative transportation impacts most recently identified in the 2000 Catellus Mixed Use Development EtP. These identified cumulative transportation impacts and associated mitigation requirements are summarized in section 3.3.15 (Transportation and Traffic), pages 72 through 78, of this report. No potentially significant new impacts or substantial increases in impact severity have been identified, and no new mitigations would be necessary, beyond those already identified by the City for anticipated cumulative development in the area. Through the City's existing Traffic Capacity Management Procedure (TCMP Ordinance), any development west of Grand Street that generates peak hour trips through the Webster /Posey Tubes in excess of 1 percent of the current estimated reserve capacity is required to prepare a traffic report that establishes to City (Public Works Department) satisfaction the project contribution to peak hour traffic through the tubes, current remaining capacity, how the project will reduce remaining capacity, and proposed mitigation measures (including enforceable Transportation Systems Management/Travel Demand Management measures). in addition, • section 27 -3 of the City's Municipal Code requires payment of a Citywide Development Fee as a condition of development approval to fund traffic safety/capital replacement and transportation improvements and facilities. The fee is imposed by and use category on all new, or expanded existing, commercial development, on new residential development, and on use permits which intensify the use of existing commercial or residential structures. Individual development facilitated by the Legend: Appl. = individual project applicants; CIC = City of Alameda Community Improvement Commission; cont. = continuous; CDFG = California Department of Fish and Game; incorp.„ incorporate; co tr. = construction; NA = not applicable ,,,n„ ,,,, , nr-Iroe,,,!4r rr cn 4 MONITORING RELATED MITIGATION MEASURE Imp!. (CONDITION OF APPROVAL) Entity Monitoring and Type of Monitoring Action Verification Entity VERIFICATION Timing Signature Date Requirements 1 Merger protect �r.e• f amendments and trt r er ()To e o� g�11P of each lotion fonanl he w_CIP e 13 both application Within tbsubject o to or both to t t to u would re is in order contribute \tribute areas) tea men towards the acco p en titre airon these are to Na ve rn��� the 2p needs, its tarn j led cum de aced of ider se Develo.rreon ages inclu Vs those Use °evet ized Catellu�a e been o this report. Which h78 �TFMS 7g through ravtCE Prolect'Fefated and t OSS -1 of e'irt 1SV tact ffndrn9 Unpack It eases 1� Seaod• \tits imhe . C iretnitantoppactv1en En Pthl 1R�1 e Wed lire mulati e burldo o Would contribute at tactlitated�reas wastewater flows that Project rated peak e capacity gent la g it'res. Id ra ort and tie an a sPWage transport n t tcirtf9a�ro i triters attor• Usar to NhCrg gvelo•m N11ti9 Use ndrn9 is SrrrMixed Y-9 Ga tPe l S lu a s s t a nc h rd c on diti o n 01 r ; pedividual, project-facilitated roject ta ci li ta t e d dcom�t regn�s develoPRr t o nsauct eearY Scwe r °n Water supply to es in accor dan ce with C standards, including fart re contribution to the c pS S a ssoclato d with any sewer i nitrate d sewer re e nCon f acitlty c onstru ction Pro9rarn or enhanced W e s t pa sa 111 Qro9a s P esurredty' S u ch f ohare seNer {tern imp rovernent psts Would b c ected in future City: require needed se,Nec andlor water raciVii■es °c funds adjustments djust ' o Sewer connection fees). cogerl J 005 lt c Page 10 JP Pc o�°apPpplap\e • CrC'Gty °r NO' t`r'pOV°ment c °c. FP s 200 °cnia pepacr� °nt of Fist} a °c‘ G° Ga1\f ,ncOrp -. �cocp°tare. 'vMMCNr.e24 WP9 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a Special Joint City Council and Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the 18th day of March, 2003, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Commissioners Daysog, Matarrese, Kerr and Chair Johnson - 4. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner DeWitt -1. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 19th day of March, 2003. Lara Weisiger, Secretary, Community Improvement Commission Beverly Johnson, Community Improvement Commission