Resolution 04079RdTdOLUTIOdi idr. 40'79 ADO2d1Tdd, dECIFICATICKS, 3rECIAL dROVISTCH2 AHD ['TANS dsCd SO:77„drTISTTISS DISPOSA1 SYST„S„. TOSTH Odd ddiddS TTOddidddTEddd: COSSIC.R. Cd7 :SSE STSKELY :f0CDS, didfd , WirrddHOTiSid„ CALloildd IdOld 3,11:7S A Hd SIdd-S.Ord SSSE S11 CLERK TO A.DdIERS: SIT, Sd. „TS pubile isItcrodt and socsdlt7 ro'Lludre the ..Trduldlatdor of stPrd wator dIsporal „rystori rostr„ od 'she norrrwesd osdnrr c2 Stol,e17.," drc„, `dif„,rdrsc: ar:d, '17..rddddATS, the 711-o; ,dxdireer precared diprrl.ficatd_orr, Prov‘Fplunsl crd d'drs for daf_d word, vidsS.dlt Sroolf.idatIcrd, nfridero,3 SS" ds-d_S-a4, were. f!ded dr: iftdo effico of dS G]erk on fedrtembrr C0 ig49; dr„dT, 50 fd: '-,CL"."-C-EL (Jr A.'.2„dr7Ds that Irde r,fo-eddld T,rec'f-do,flors, "dpeclal Yrovis'donr ard Tdars, nunbored rnd fIldrd Ids afrredrld, be, alsd the sans'. aro noreby, approvod and ajopted. STdddSSV77,„ fro usrfornance assd cor:olotSrdn od dfsc verk steci- O'rd In sald eredific.zdfdlosd asd Srovdslons aro te sarre rdreoy, sotroddrod„ Tsd.d7OVED„ dLd: Lida4 ifse cf the Clry ' Adardodn wLID reePlve spairld O'ds 71.7, 'o ifrr herr f' S:0,S o'clock -. 7„ on drerday, Sortember 2C„ 1040, for the frrr'aT,ng so the 77..ty of Adadde.ra of all labor, ddad,erlads, nethods ard Prodesror, Irro'ordrts, toold, radeblnory and orsprrest, OW.C67-,', an od7dds,f!rr snrd7- fied, neoesodry dor Und„ work hodr,inabove refers:7:rd to, dn acoord&nce c.:th rdid F.,pedirleatlorls and rvSdons, Orsds ',sort bd Prerddltsrd Lo Tfr, Tlty Id-rrsr„ fine Clond Pudi„ Ls dlanirds, Cal,forsTa, drajor Esd3ed ccver afd srar7pd dr thr 07TsTdr rrr000sad fcr orstalLsision of rd„orrd 'Satdr Dlsnorad 2TOrd7, norsdTd o7 t,e rorthwrpt co-per of dlr., FtC0e11 isc.„ 'Yrfoedsdpsr," ras sTsrdlar Cortrrrt„ owardrd, udal 'de awardo'd rirojoot t'do frovir'oss, of the „Srartor of tro O'Sor of Llanedd, ts, „dIrd resdors7Ple edddes d„ro sstrs!ds sho „oredd arc: ,Drdt bdd. ddso r7rhd rodrrvcsd to rdjoot ary rd: Sordd, operddirdt!ord „rovisfors sdas be tad by and pro:rortdde Oddder on p STrid!„„op de trd ff.d "drs'fs.er, dt dffs cfdfrde 3n SIde solf.4 TsT.1, dlarisna Sad''orrTa. The Olty Clerk Is hereby directed to adveddrldr„ tho Alameda TiM6T. Star, E rotido cellinz for sodded. bids, in accordance ddlth thr Torovi.olons. of this resoluLion. and of radd. Speolfications and EddoNsions. I, the unAersigr.ed, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was drisd and regularly Tntsfpdred rind adapted. by the Coundid. of the City of Alameda In rdrssrdsr moeffrrd arrerstOrrl on. the Sth. dad.. of SsiDtordoser, 1.2diTd, by the followIng vote, to wit: Srdrsolded, (5). Councilmen. forderson, :Serer, Osborn, Sweenoy and Prosi.dent NOES: None. drdr WITNESS dadEdadr,, T hays hereunto aet Iv- hand and affix..erd the offi- dfdal Seaa of said City this 7th day of Septordider, 7,771 CTARK *.- of tne City of Alameda -- * * * * * * * * * I hereby c art •Isliat the .f ore 2;01.-„Ts -..dsdo and. correct cop. • of ''Ides.0„Tutios. No „ 4079, ADOPT:I.:NG SEES, (7-10.AT T OHS SP.d.7,0 "AL PEOVTST.ONS AK'S) PITANS 1,7„dd S'd ORM TAT7„7..d. ST2PCS,AT„ ST-STETS dde.P.TIT ISTS NOTO7HdadST OPTTEld OTS"diry,„ odrsE "E-y 0 an Ilqd; , IddtkILT.TiOldSdid, Crrid.„1.177„ PCS IdIDS AEI) Rdddrrid T ''."; 'Trr-- f sdo ATIVT-4; lig' I 5-7 SAD:FE introdf.leod 1 .dnd adcrssted b„ 4 he CodfacrLd. or iddrs. Cstdd. disr:rdsof SepterrAddr,