Resolution 04085RESOTSS.9"ION Af..), 4005 CHTEAEi At A. SPECIAL HEND TA AE DE0940 AS 'DAY 'EARN ISLA7D TY7F.OlUAIST7P YOGTE 017 DOOTJTiq.0.1 DRIVE AGING" AND TRAAESEATR0ING 000.0G fiDA10. NiiA CANITNAL Ot001,11ES FUND 70,29000. t (7, 17,".3 1.,:=1:10,,,fr Isle:n.1 _levees lentroves...s.ret r....rt.S.n. Des7....."..ttle " arid .b.e-reby, hweated. •Nt: TiRSCS.Arl.T.) else. cse f!,..e.z.d,000.(ess b z?, in a Eay Pam Ieve,e Tsisrsvesient Venn. of Doolittle Dres 9Gan.d. ?NA AsAltor ard the Theessurer are hereby asste.orhsed and. disecte to create d..uay and. re3ularly lntroduce,l. and adopted by ths Counoll of the (Sity of Alamefia in. regular meetins assembled. on 20th Slay of September,. 1949, by tEiA 00i tIN, vwth, to: wit:. AY020,. (5) . IN 'ffilf7eFeS W1.911200F, I have herennts set 71y hADA senc:1 affixed. the offIcisi seal of said City. tells 21st a. - September, 10,49. 3EntAiDis Depsty °sty Clerk of' the •City of A.. nGda I hereby octrittfy that `.9.1..e forego:IAA:, is a 21.1-.1., true and oorrest cores of "Aces ols.t.i...sh IAD. 4085, CHEATIHG A 3:91:E,EA.I., FEND 'DO IET911001: 9,0 'DA .100:11,1 ISLA HID INEVEE IME0NATIENDED HC.9.11th T.A1121.110,10110 DATAGE c;',5,0•00,..00 FACAq '1111] OSASTAL ASTALAIS " inthronSused and a doot..e....t by the Orsunon1.1 or, tray 20th nay osS Septesler, lfdlef Dopitty• • C1ty of As..ameda