Resolution 04099213 RESOLUTION HO. 4099 AUTHORIZING CITY WIMIACIER TO MAKE SECOND SUPPLEMENTL APPLICATION TO STATE DIRECTOR OM FINANCE OW BEHALF .. OF THE cryy ap ALAMTIA FOR STATE ASSIZGANCE IN. DE- PRAYING COST OF CONSTRULTION OF THE BAY FARM ISLAND SEWER. aYSTEM (PROJECT NO. 20 . W('EREAS, the State of Californla; under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Dobai. Agwncies, defIned thereln as courtles, citibs and 0' 0' or cities, so that they may engage in a large public workb construction program in. order to prevent and allevibte nnemployment: and. WHEREAS, the City of Alamodb has (14 applied. to the State 1Grector of Finance 2344 44 allotment of $138,750.00, at that time estimated. as being .not more than one-half of the cost of the. constructicn of said groject, and said Director of Finance allocated to said City of Alamodg the sum of $138,750.00; HEREAS, the City of Alameda made a 17111 ]14437 applicatihm to the State Director of Einanhe requesting tho allotment of aggitional funds amounting to #.10,750.00, or a total. allotment of elG57,500.00, at that time estimated RE being not more than. one-half the cost of the construction of said project, anti said Di- rector of Finance has allocated to said City thb sun of '15(7,500.0.0; and WIT:GP-PAS, the City of Alameda now dbsires to make a second supplemental application to the Director ef Finance and/or tho State Allocation Board, as the case 144 (41 for an additional allotment of State aid for the construction of said project, and there 44, boon. prepared and presented to this ibgislative Body for consideration a second supolencntal application for such nurpose: and MGE=, said City has made provisions for paying that 14 ortion. of the cost of the project not roohested as an allotment fron the State; NUM, THEREFORE, BE TT HESCINED, that said City sub:mit the aforesaid second supplemental application to the 4(144 44' of Finance and/or the State Allo- cation Board, as the case may be, requesting the allotment of additilergl funds amounting to t7,500.00, or an allotnent of such amount as nay be all3 tted. by the State Allocation Boandl BE IT EITRIAGER RESOLVED that said City. hereby certifies that the total estirate of cost to be pasid for.the construction of the Bay Farm Island Sewer Sys- tem (Project No. 20-6), fos which said City.. Is makinF a second supolemental ahead- catioh under said Ant, is 030,000.00: BE IT FUNTEER RESOINED that said City of Adameda bbreby requestb the State to ay. the State's share of the total actual cost of conbtruction of thb project for which, said City. is making appdAcatiton for aid; BE IT DIMUTNER RESCh(MHD, that for the purpose of thes second supplemental application, Carl Proerer, City Manager of thb City of AGareda, be, and. he hereby designated as the muthbrizad agent. of said City and is hereby authorized. and. directed to sign the heroin. Bantiowed. second supplemental application of said City and tio sdbmit the salve to the State Director of Finance, together with a certified statement of the total estimated cost to 43, 11'' for construction of the project herein mentioned and such other informatlen as may be o' 7/14; and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed, as representative of said City, to con- duct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Aliwca- tion Board or the Director of Finance, including requests for payment of thp State,s share of the cost of the condtruction of tle aforementioned pnblic works project. * * * * * * * * * * Jr, the uhdersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly a3 d. regularly introduced ,44 adopted by the Council. of the City cf Alameda in regular mboting assembled on the 1st day of Movomhbr, 1949, tbe following vete, to wit: AYES: Conhcilmbn Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and. President Rranscheid, (3). ILDES: None. ABSENT: None. 211 IN WTTETMES WHERMDE, I have herranto set my hand and affl. tha offi- cial sea2.. of sa'd 0 it7 this 0 , 1949. S. F. CLAEN Cit "fe:nk of the Et3 o Ae-rTada 4:- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of "Resolution No. At:Until:Z.= CITY MANAGER TO MAKE SECOND SUPPLEMEITAL APPLI- CATION TO STATE DIRECTOR OF' FINANCE ON MEHAME TEE CITY CM ALIMME.M. FCE STAtE ASSITSTANTIE IF DEFRAYINM COST CF COMSTRUCTION OF THE BAY FAME ISLAHE aiMMER MYETEM CFECUEEI NO. 20-6)," introduced and adopted. by the Council. on the 1st day of . November, 1949. Mitt, C- Md of Phe City ofameda