Resolution 04125241 RESOLUTION NO. 4125 TRANSFERRING $27,947.50 FROM THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL FUND TO TEE GENERAL, FUND OF THE CITY OF AIAMEDA. WHEREAS, certain moneys have been delivered. to and receivad by the City of.Alalteda from. the State of California and. deposited in the Alcoholic Beverage. Control Fumd, pursuant to the proons of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (Statutes of 19350 paze 1123, as amended.) end. the provisions of Rsolution. 2212, adopted by this Council on December 7, 1937; and WHEREAS, ther5 has been. expended from the Cnnersl Fund of the City, solely fortthn purposes specified in said Act abA in said Resolution, the sum of T.T27,947.50 in. connection with the operation. and maintenance of thn 0o lice DetartmAnt.1 Nan', TERTAT0RE, B2 PT RESOLVED BY THE =MIA OF TEE CITY OP ALAYEDA that the sum of 5.27,947.50 be, and the sam5 is hereby transferred from the Al4 coholic Beverage Control Fund to the :0enral Puled. of the City of Aio'- ndhe Auditor ard the Treasurer are hereby authorized nn1 . directed to It:tate said trsnsfer on their 1'('4'1'"' '2 books. * * * * * * * * * I, the undersizned, hereby certify that the foregoTng Resolution was dulT and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council. of the City of Alameda regular meeting assenTeld on the 17th day of Aanuary, 1950, 0 y the following vote, to wit: AYES! Councilmen, Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (0). NAES! Nona. '3'' '1, Nrnh. IN WITNESS 1ERE0t I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. the offi- cial seal of raid City thls leth day af January, 1950. (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of Alameda * * * * a a * * I hereby certify that the...foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of ilesolttion. lib. 4125, TTANSFIMIEING $27,947.59 FROM 'Ti T AILCM.t940IC 7377EFACTE CONTROL Flaia) TO THE GETERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF AdAtTEDA," introduced. and adorted by the Co*ticeill on the a74"h day of January, 1750. Citz2 C40,r1 of the City oi AlamAda