Resolution 04135253 HESOLUTTON no. 41.55 AXTTIN,..(3 SPECIFICATIONS FCT. ?i,JMISHING NAI.T,NAY 'T(NPINNF,TCH htAf.E.1....NNNAJ., TO TH11; CITI OF ALAMDA FOR THE GOLF COURF,...7 CAT:LING FOE BIDS AND DIEETTING ADVETCNISE - .N,1'.:'.ff723 ff.] OCriNCIff 77,r, C' ,NA:iNfNP. fo- f-rrl,hirc t,e City of fer Y3 ▪ 2 -f0 ten ,Frine of tee rjr,Ircr.11 A:a-led..? wily; tKe hear of oz1 Feb,,,, .7 21, .150, Ve • ,He fvr,is'-!_r.,, to City oC 'Natel-1.m], in Rocorda,ce Tes▪ t be pl,ezrt.-1 to .C.,0 In • N1,,..y fall, Alar.e.da, unele, elaTrTy ,a..rosd on tne '",efosal 7cr o, C,ntract, ehh'heeC, W1T" silbjeot to ,f ihe -• fric r!g,t eo re:/-3(.., a -y or all bics,. Cactek '-el,eby 61-ectA(' Th-reee Teter, a not'(.7, reeled I, t',, 7ro74,fcn, "'"? an of saLd and I, the undersigned, hereby. certify. tbilt the foregoing ..iesolution was duTy regetteely Lntrod.,,ed and adorted by the Cov..1.11. of the (11ty of Alaneda in. regular ri.eeti.n.,, al.sembled on tee 7th day. of Feb,uary, l'.)50, by the folloving vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen. Anderson, Jones, Osborn, !..,,,w,ono.y Ppestdert Bransch.e.ld, (F.). TfeES: Yon,. ABSENT: Fbne. 7.1T WETNESS WHEREOF, hnve hereurto set ny hand ard Pff'ixed. the pffi- clal sea.l. of said Gay Stla day of Feb1.1..ary, 195.0. je P. CLARK City' Clerk of the Cily, of Ala;,eda. I hereby t, certify. that the: foregoirE is a f,Jaa, true arA. correc copy of "Nesoiutior. ha,. 4.135, ADO.FT1h,.., Si."'EC15,,aCANNI.UhS YO2 FUENISHING. FAIN:MAY "TOZ-T17.4(7.:','" CT7'7,1 GO1NN COURSE, CALITI,!,2,- FOR 9IDS...AN,) D'ileCT- ING, THE CIEZN. TO 1.TYIEtiTISE S„,,,..7.,TE," introduced and adopt,..e, by the Councli Dn t,..e 7th cf February, 1950. C It yi(1,1:pirk 6r. the City of ,,,7717,1717ed.a