Resolution 04150270 RESULT:T/1 C9`..,{ ,1 50 711-: 1711'1 17,11IT99. 95G , '91 DESCIArED TFE COUNCIL 07 THE CI11, OF ALAMEDA that the SecifleatIons and. Provisions for, larnIshIng, lIfar1n.g klanual1) to the City of Alameda for the fIsoal year ondIng June 30, 1050, MS 4-50-7, filed In. the offIce of the City. Clorl., en April 4, 1C5C, and the same are hereby,. approved and. wIc,pte1- RESOLITED, FUTnTER, thnt the Council of the C1Ly of A1.2med.a will reoelve to the hour of '1,05 c,clock P. on Tuesday, Apr..T.1 18, 1050, -I'").19 the furn:IshInz to ths City (Y17 parMng meter8 (manual), in acoordr,floe wIth. id Specific9tions and ProvIsions. DIds Inur 3t, be ',',...,renented to the Clerk., in. t'r.19e City Fa -'91-'orflla, under sepIl.ed cover and r18.inly ma,rked on the out - slde, "Proposal for pay,k1rg meters," or sin:liar desiF),nation. Contract, If awarded, will. be awarded subject to the provilon1:1 of Charte2 of ,!r,:a.id the •.r,oay..:cn.olblo bidder uhri th.e lowoe,:t and. best . The rig:bt reol-ved to rejsct any or ai'l biAs. The C't..97 1)7,-,,I) 11,2,otec3, to a(ive,tice, in tT,.le Alameda Times- Star, a notic calling for salc0, ,r acc;c-,,,ance re,,,olutjon. and of said. SpecifioatIons arid Prov1s5.or.s„ under5117red, hen1,907- certif that the f c re goln3 dx..ly and regularly InI.,Poduced. and. aflopted by the CcuA!,,1]... of tIle City. o 2 Alam e da In rec,ular nee .tinF a ssolrft-.11e 6 on t'he, day 2, 1C?50, b.-7 the f,ellowirg vote, te wit: Cou,nolimen ..Lnderson, JOr DE.2.berh, Sweeney antl President Branscheid, (5). riff): 1:0-e. AD 2,7:71 .Ceeno T ad ded7 c 5 T 'have her.euto 9nt har.d. an1 affixod. no J.f..11- clal. seal. of said C.Ity 5th 9 of Arl..1 J. P. TIAMI ty Clerk. of the City nf Alarrmda Yo, 4150, :1.9.:.1.':01.111.CATICTII, AND PROVISICNS :10R '11.11,2 .9991.9Y, AT.„MIEIDA. FOR THE FISCAL I1731',1? 30, l',;50, CAL:La-NG FOR DTDS 1.19.11 DITECTING THE CITY CIEEK TO A. DVEIZTISE SAME, '.'. introduced adpted by. the Council. nn. the ,.1,tti cIai7 Apr11, 1'150, of thn City of ,1.11.J(