Resolution 04151RESOLETION 190) 4151 271 CRTAATAANG A FUND IC, BE KNOWN AS "EINNT,== DEPAInl= -DEPOSIT FUND." RESOLVPN 67. 7'1OE C0j1C ON NNE CITY CT ALAY2TCD,A. that 2. fund to be known as the "T:JhgttichriNg Dhssmrtmert Detosit Fctrad." is heret.:Ass created. and ettab- 11....heN. The AttdAtor and the Treasurer are hpeby authorized. and directed to create and °stab:1.1.2h tire trss.7sCs fund. the undersined, hereby certify that the Not,esoing R.,so`sitttiori. was dss,:ty arca ntssostla Iris/ r 0 (111.C.: fol arid ta Coa by VS,E., OUne 1 Of t 0114,o of Alamo 'do: In regular meetInps ascenied on. the Actn day ',LC AtArfl, 19500 by th4 following. ^vote, tO AYES: (.7. AtIA Almon Ando rs or, :tone s s Chb orn, Sue cney a SS5, s ident .534anscheid, (5). NOES: Ebne. !ANAN7h.•••7. 2N.s.rse , 7:7 'N.r°7"CTT::']S VrT7'77 T rOSOlOt 0 set say hand. a rh..1 a ffIxed. the offi- cial sctesal of said 0 ity this 5th day of Assthist s 1950. ',491AL) ANTAANNN' City. N sstc.' the hereby certify' ttcat the ccheicht.: t:NI, truA and correct co t of "Re c olut I oN:. NA . 401E14 CSEETTEE A ENT7E T 7..SN TtitChNN AS hEINGTATNNTAINAl• N7PARTUNTa DAAAASIT ANNAN," ...Introduced anN. assloAted lty the ountt.11 on the Ath Asay. of April, AN5C. )4599- .24T /of the City ot. 2401.444e044