Resolution 04152272 rEor,ta. rffy ofiffoo,..00d 1.;f1 doft,,f,A .f :-..icootherr, to) of ..1..ax,d sald. daed dadsaa 23, racordsoa Mas'aio. dr. 3odd. 2C49 of Paed3, ar,go 279.7: Sosth Las said lae.4 ric...o.loor0000 iffor7; taissn.cas Sadao-Six. ".1* alsaa.,,!, tta ra.,saissoda "Hass sx' Dfro;.1 aata, taa said. tax.os Ideca,s1. a. :lien naid. real. arso ar. sa.".","1 reaa. rt-j- ,'75 , das2. isocos,C.a,1 tas offixx. tha Crs,u.sst..; cf Coassty L'1,afah 2oaa-k. C04.8, at pa..as 257, :d...as been, ad.,d , assnad City DI' A a a , na.a is 'baid.14 sodia fax, dl.dx...siu.asaa taxsa; af"Xdo s Sas ail sip; co, ric.o".1.3 of , orooncor:..al tax.r.,,o3 Caldradasilx,.., Oa a.,..oraxT consent to. t'as calscelsation ad.' any said!. aflooilectad taxas asx..1 pomaltleo and costs the aa-osed oxx levied c 1 by y.zr,.7..F.,,Ts of rsal. aLasoart.d desarlbas..3. ''s2x the wdtallsa , the untit.ina isisana, , 'he raday e tia 1.„fay tata t tide arse; sit.,„, ,„ sta ntito ans. ,oa.,,,,,,itatrity a na c ci of tile (11, tairsaid. a td, ( C lli.J6 n ahar s on, 11as Is 0 tin „ ,11,wee soy and a' rs s 1 6 eat s cite id , VtitinITESS 11611111:fittad he ratans a set harsa t ata tit,es: tin, astir ail ant Ins, ',sob -a. a a 'at !,...1.11:11,. he t 1'1.1 a C, 0 1'1'3 t apy „ ,11.1152 , anat.101a116LT inf.6611 161 a 'dada 11111,111 11611116611,616',=, dattartiahi.: " 1 st 26 iita al attat aid casts lay .1666 rito a 1 ,r1 ,..nay of :1„, 50 ,,.