Resolution 04190316 ILLEHUTION NO, 4190p ADOPTING SPILIFIOATIVINS RED ni.c.x1.3ioNs FOR RHEUM:MEL, ANN REPAIR OF ASPHALT AND aimmoifs INGEHMEM' FOR DEE FISCAL THAR ENDANG ;TUNE 30, 1951, CALLING, 7ca LIDS ALL DIRECTING TEN OISE CLERK D777R71BEsm4 public Lnterest ena nehessity require the resurfacing and regAir of asphalt and bituminous gavament in streets of the City of Alameda; and DERMERni, the City Ebsineer hcs pmepared Specifications and Provisions for resuvfacing and repels of aEulteJA. and. bituminous hAvereht for the fiscal year ending Rube SO, 1951. mblch Specifications and. Provlsiona are numbered. pvi 5-50-25 and. were filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City oh. MAy 27, 1950, NOW THEREFORE, RE IT RESIT:TM THR DOUNGIL ac THE CITE OF STEADIE. that the aforesaid Speoifihations find Provisionh. numbered and filed as aRoresaid, he, and the sere are hereby, approved.. and. adonted„ RESOPVEIs FM:MDR, thet the serfahmance and commictich. of the wpm". abaci- fled. in. said.. Specifirations and Provisions be, and the same t hereby, adthoriMed. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council. of the City- of Alameda will receieb sealed. bids up to the hour of C:05 o'clock FA on. Tuesday', June 20, 1950, for the furnishing to the City of all labor, material and equipment neoeheary for resur- facing and repairing asphalt ond bituminous reverent in the streets of thA City of Alameda Sol' the fiscal year ending June 3D, 1951, in. ahcardehce with. said. speci- fications and ProvAsions. Rids must bA presented to the OitY Clerk, in. the City Hall, in Alameda, Califomnia, undtr heeled cover and plainly rerkta on the out- side "Proposal for Asphalt and Eitmeihous DrvemAnt", or similar derisnatiou„ Contract, iM emended, vill be awarded subject to the provisipus of the Charter of hold. Citysto the resghnsible bidder whr sobrits the lovhst and hoot bid. The riGht ir resersed. to reject any or all biAp. SMAd Speeifimatirns and. Provisioue rAy be had. by any' prosgActive biddhr on application. to the City hbpineer, at his office in thA City Heil, slat:Ada, California. The City. Clerk i8 hereby directed. to eavertige, in. the Alambda Tires- Ars, a notice caildup for sealed. bias, in accordance with the promisicuis of thib re8olution and of said. Specificativph and PTOViSiOnS. a araean. , the undereigneh„ hereby certfy. that the foreskins Resolution vbs duly and. Leguikr:ly intsnUnced. and adopted. by the Goobeil of the City' of Alamodh in resoles mos:bine asmerbied or. tho 7th. Gay of june, 1.E5ad by the fadlowins vote, to wit: ASLEC Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Preaident Erhuscheid, (5). LUG: Sore. APPENTG Nene. IN WITNESS bITERECIR I have hereimnto aet my hand and .affisee tro official. seal of odfd City this etb. day of Gene, 1930. CLEFT -757Af 1.77(79-77577517573.meda I hereby certify' that the foregrimg is a fall, true rna correct copy of Ekesolution No. 4190, ADOPTING OFILIFIGETIONS ANN PRUVICIeLd. LPN. TORDURECRLENG AND Rapi...Ip. OF ATEPHALT hMT SITEMMDE PI.6,92 FOR THE 3,asc.i,c1., EnDEK= MAD 30, CeLREUVG IYOR hiGTH AND DidaLDEINO TRE CITY CHEM ID az:,m72,,? introduced and. adopted by the Cornell on thA 7th dry of June, 'DOG. 9 nD 8 h. Civyvilachhedy[the City ,ST-17.1areda