Resolution 04191317 REACTUidelN ADOPTING . 1.12-17aaz,facKs, SIECIAL 71.7touisian3 i„rp FLARE PEI SET OGASTRUCTIOS OF SIAUDARP CULVERTS ITU. TEE -215cAL YEA2 ENDING IFNE 30, 1951 CAI:LING ARK:TO .1*D5R.T.ISE ELDREAD, the City- Engineer hds dreparea Gpechtications, Spesini. provisions OT.A. Plans for the conntruntion. of reinforced concrete culverts and otber work appur- tenant thereto for the fiscal. year eniinr; Pune 30, 195i, iihich Specifications, SPed1"1 Provisions and FlanE are numbered. PT 5 -:5a-27 and.. Fere filed.. in tTe office of the City' Clerk on Tune 7, ic507. NOV' ThileRTFRINA, Ea To DI IRA GO:ARGIL lEE PITY c.2 ALA:AUDI. thst the aforesaid Specifications, Special :Provisions and Diana, nimiliered and filed es aforesaid, be, and the same ass hereby, approved End adopted- FESCINIPE PENTAIR, thet thd serf:Ands-ace and. sempletict. of the work speci- fied in said Specifications and PTOVii`AODS be, and. the S81.ba,1 is IERAray, authorized. REGOLETIE AVIDAYSI, that tTe Council of the Oity of Alameda. will. receive sealed. bids dp to the hoar of 8;05 o,clack. P. DE on Tuesday Pane 20, 1950, for the furnishing to the City of Alaseda, all. labor, material and. equipment necessary for• the constraintion of reinforced concrete culverts are'. Adder seri.: appurtenant thereto for tre fiscal year ensling June 30, 1951, in. accordance with said speci- fications and Provisions. "ids Yeet be presented. to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, in Alameda, California, under sesled. cover and plaiinly marked on the out- side "Props:pal. for the CEnstraetien of Culverts", on similar designation. Oentlept, iv awarePal„ will he aFerited sueject to the provisions of the • Charter of mild City, to the responsible bidder who subildim the lowest ord. best bid. The riaTt is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said. Specifications and. Frovisiond nay be had by „say prospective bidder on anqnMloalnMtn. tE the City Engineer, Et his office in. the City Hall, Alatpda, California. The Pity Clerk iT hereby- directed to adyestiss, in the Alnirdeda Times a Star, a notice calling for sealed bIds in accordance mita tbe provisions of this resolution. slid of said Specifications and. Irctisiona. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the. fdreymdrng Essoletion. Fps duly and regulerly introduced and adopted. by the Council of the Sitv of Al:sheds. in regalor neptins nosembled or the 7th day of Tone, 10TO, by. the following vote, to wit: aTISA Goancitnen Anderson. Cones, Osborn, 3:Feeney and Fresidunt EransoneAd, (5). NOES: Fens. Aliin1FT: Fere. IN RITA:EDF: SELdebilF, T have hereunto set my nand and Erfixei tie official seal of ssid City this Sth day of June, 1050. ) or city 77,7E7767 nereay certify heart the foldpsoin.s is o full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 41017 ALCIVELUG STEGIIIIIIIIING, PADVISlIDE AND TILDE FOP TEE CONGEIDCTICI u STATJAIPD CUUTFATI FOR. FEE FISCAL liEnR FIRTING ISEE 30: 1951, Cat1ING NOR Baas LTD paREGTim CITY cLlaE TO ADVIlTIST SALE," intrcaeced. and. adopted by Ahe dotinclE.. on. the 7th. day of Jued, 1050. :ED nd ' or 77 amec.,