Resolution 04194320 .7hinnity.n.0,7 FM, THM,InEI. d0 E100,000.00 .700n, TIC .01,,,El„. CHM, _MIND Ed,. GEHTETEdni „EMET.0 FESTIEED FT THE CCETTEIL OF THI CITY OF EIJOIHDA that tiro sum of 0,1E0,000.00 be, and. the scan i9 hereby', trandruhred from thn Cnsh assia Fund tom the Gehnral Fund, The Auditor and Treasuocr aro hereby suthorlesd and dirboted to maks said trsnsfer on thEir redpective hoeits. the uhdoretghed, hereby certify that the foregoinn Essolutdbn shs duly and regularly idtroEueed. ond adapted by the Gounoil of the City of AlanedP in. rensior mestinta, assembled on thb 7th day of Jure, 19SO, hy the follosdng vote, to wit, ATE3: Councilmen haddnrson, ones, sorn, SEeeney and President Branscheld, (5). ihhEn raiEndM Wens, In SIEN103 WIllEnE,Mb I heve Lereumto set Ey hand and affinod. the ofidp dial seal of said. City tills 8th day of Onne„ 10TOE 03,15—Cis t of the City JI AltimbUIT. hsreby centify that the foregodng is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 4104,1ERANEFIERRIVE E100,000.00 FROM THE CASE HIETIS TIM TO TIT MESTEREI FEND," introduced sold adopted by the Council on the 7th day of June, 1950, y 0 —7rTi c:::7-57-1735337-67