Resolution 04205331 NESOLU710E UT. bdOL ADIUONInINS 'SEE FIECUTIOE C7' A OCEOLICT WIEN T(Il rfanDMOINED 07 TH1 Daida 02 TEC ERIEME OinTES FOR IDEMELT ID IDE CICE C7 AIntfirdi VON liNbDT CERVICES REDDENED TO EnVaL DEFENSE NOE:SINE RECIECT ONE-4111, n170 50 IEECOn dh" ah7REEIT TO InVeI nib( meow-DE, WHEREAS, the Departmant of the Navy of the Unitbd States nos submitted a. form of Centrobt No. Ney(U)-22h5E for payment to the. City of Alameda fur divest services rendered to COO Wavy Defense housinz Units Ool-elli and 50 lionajo dB" Units adjacent to the Natal Aim Station; and WHEREAS, thn form of said contract has bean presentbd to this Council and thin Council is fardllar vith the provisions thereof; and. WEEDERS, it is in. the pcblic Interest thet said contrast should be executed; NOR TE.,,,mdo'oczc:„ HE IT RESOLVED EY IEN COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF DIADEDA. that tbn aforesaid. contrect end the terms thnreof be, ond the SSMS iS hereby, accepted and au:preyed by' the City' of Niameda, snd the idayor of the city of Nlamsda is hereby. authorized. and directed to execute sold contract on behalf of the City of Alameda ern the City Clerk is authericand to attest thn some. I, Rho usCbrsinrd, hereby certify. that tbc foreyrUrn hanoirtion vas duly Sild. recularly introducen arn adopted. by the Council of the city- of Alonndr in. re((:rior. cbetimm assenlind. on ths 20th day. of Warn, 1CDO, by- the faMMeEnit totea tonwitl -ELL: chubstitun enderein, asme, GB*JSS, Efld Pre:donut Crenscralt, ("). DONS: None. ABOEDUC Dons. IN WIDDIESS WHERECR, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed thn offi- cial seal of said. City this 21st day of tuns, 1150. (SEEL) Cl(tY uon OT.G-I,Seaf faitidanT(.77— I noracy acetify( Ihat ,he aoreuelne is a intl., true nslc. curt:ace cony of "lasniutiou fo.4205, CHInfEdhilfd lri NECOUTTIN Eo T STSTSUSLS2 TIl DEFahliDIT D(' FRI ERIE OR' Ilia ONI2CD DIETES IDR 2ccia-,vc illj EITO 07 alrihine, 7(hj STRICT SUP - IICEO RENDInIC 70 HIVE/ DEbEdIE rRNIR(101 UROJEOT arD UO UOMOMN "P" UtETS NEJASEEO IC NAVA- Aid STAtIOD," introddood and ao-lated by tne 2ourbil on the Ceth hat of Jura, 7150. RED' 72717177t7t: T-777-M, y