Resolution 04207RESOLUEEON DC. _22((q___ ThenSTISSTI=G 'S;10;000.00 ERTL TEE REP:ESSIG E0R ..1°)TSSL .114)M g:DEP1.4 )4iTleT 445310EAS, the aum of ',:,:ao,000.oe has bcen ersenned. from the Gemarel "Dunn of the City of „Alameda for the purposce of trafric control. and regulation, end the pur — CAPPS; installotion; supervision, protection, irspectios, maintenance and operation of pa:ruing Esters; NOS TRESERSTerh SE Ed" RESOLVED Da Then MOUNOID OF INS CITY a7 1.1TUDESSE.. that the pun of ..S10,000.00 he; Sefla the SD_DS iS .1102CL'T, transferrae. fins the. zschanif Later ihcml to the General Fluid. of the City' at Elumadsm Tho hmnitor and the Treasurer' are hereby authorised. ann. divested. to nahe shad. transfer on their respePtiye books. I, the unnersigasn, hereby certify that the ncreEhisag Reccisetiph whp (duly and regularly introduced snd.. adopted. by the Council of the city sh Alsneda in. rcuular meetinz assent:Lad oh. the 20th dhy of Jura, iRSO, by the folaprisE acts, tc—wit: shES: Courctinso ,forlos, sescorey soo Drew:nicht 0rJasaLsid, (0). DDSS: foue. ASSEds). Tone. ID .CLESUU DEIST:TT I hese bercaoto ant re) nefS - ad a-Tripod the caffi clap haul of TcAd diaL thls fist pby cf Enna, hdeT. -C-LITW-777.7=i7E1 heresy certify thor ;she corewaina is 8 Taal, trua anu oorresu copy o„. "Resolution No. 4207, TOLLSISTEDRISP0 E10,000,00 FROM. TER 17,en.,...LN(ei- e.,,,e,,,e.H.A., ..,...J 2..C. los GENEREI., ESSDEn introduced. ann adopted Dy one count. a a. da —Is c sum. us, a. (sum, 7.'.,..7"-"-L177711767,77q--Alt.57;i5,7:966—